Best Night Vision under $500?


New member
Need a NV optic for coyote hunting.
Looking at the ATN MK 350, and a few others from Yukon.
Whats good bang for the buck?(usable distance, image clarity, accuracy/0 hold)

Will a monocular NV unit mount for use with a reflex sight or illuminated reticule scope? How is the image?

Anyone recommend a good long range IR illuminator to increase visibility range?

I appreciate the input. Thank you.
For 4 500 your are only going to get gen. 1. It will work if you have a good spot lite, or when there is a lot of moon lite. IR lenses are not easy to find, but you can by gogleing IR lens. I do have a Russian 1 st gen rifle scope which works ok with a good sope lite, but with the ir lite on the scope is good for 100 yrds., maybe a little more. I prefer to use gen. 3 gogles and a lazer on the rifle. If you go that way only use a red alzer, the green ones look like flood lites through the nite vision.