Best next load data manual


New member
I'm finding the manuals I have just give you drips of data. It's frustrating. I'm looking for the next manual I get to be more comprehensive and show data for the powders and bullets that are available to me in my area.

Mostly I'm able to get Hunters Supply lead lubed bullets, Berry's plated bullets and Speer Jacketed bullets. I'm loading 380, 38spl, 357 for now. All my powders are Hodgdon, Universal, 700-X and Trailboss. That's what's readily available here.

Should I get a manual from a powder company to get data on all the bullets? The online load data fall short and only offer data on one or two bullets. I'm assuming Hornady manual only lists their bullets and likewise Sierra.

What I have now is the Lee Manual, Lyman 50th, lyman revelver pocket handbook, and the ABC's of reloading. They all disappoint regarding load data. Although the overview chapters are excellent.

Maybe if I get the right manual/s I won't have to keep asking so much.

There is a list of manuals and online data sources in this thread

Also, I got the Hornady mobile app for my phone and paid for the load data. I also refer to a Speer manual.
I doubt you will find specific recipe type load data for off brand bullets like Hunters and Berrys in print or on line. If you want individualized data for Speer bullets, get the Speer manual.

It is time to move from reloading to hand loading and apply available data cautiously to the components you have.

Hunters cast bullets are out of the same Magma molds that nearly everybody in the commercial casting business use; I have loaded a bunch of other brands just like their 158 grain roundnose and semiwadcutter. Hodgdon data for generic 158 grain semiwadcutter applies.

Berry's plated bullets are recommended by the maker to use jacketed bullet data with some allowances for the thinness of the plating.

I'm beginning to think you just like starting threads on this site. If you find the Lyman 50th Edition disappointing in regards to load data, I simply don't know what to say. I have used the Lyman manuals for 40 years, which included the 6 years I shot in 1,000 yard F Class competition. My suggestion: post less and load test more.

The Lyman 50th is severely lacking, and is a huge step back from previous editions. That is not an unfounded complaint.

As for manuals in general:
Powder companies will only show their powders, but generally include a variety of bullets.
Bullet companies will only show their bullets, but generally include a variety of powders.

*Exceptions: Speer (Federal) and Alliant are owned by the same parent company. Their more recent data heavily favors, or is now exclusive to their sister companies' products.

You're using Hodgdon powders. Get a Hodgdon manual.
If you're already using their online data, you shouldn't need more.
You won't find data for every bullet on the market.
If you're loading cast bullets, get the Lyman 4th for cast bullets manual.

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I'm looking for the next manual I get to be more comprehensive and show data for the powders and bullets that are available to me in my area.

Unless you're in the same zip code as the people doing the testing you aren't going to find that. And, even if you are in the same zip code, you probably aren't going to find what you want, either.

Nobody publishes data with every possible combination of bullet and powder. Nobody can, and no body tries, especially when they are paying for it from their own pocket.

You might try looking at those manuals that are one caliber specific, but even those are limited, and get dated.
I've found with plated bullets( mine were x-treme), that mid to lower jacketed data seem to work ok. Cast or coated cast worked way better. In my .357 lever gun, I can and do load coated bullets that are more accurate than any plated I used to load. Plated were just too finicky for me. Hope this helps a bit.
First,I don't own the Lyman reloading manuals myself. A friend does.

Are you aware Lyman makes a Reloading Manual.and they make a separate Cast bullet reloading manual.

You will have to do some research on this,but it might be possible you can access digital archives of Handloader Magazine articles.
I don't know that you can,but there is a gold mine of caliber specific articles with good loading info in those back issues.

Another resource to look at is the book "Pet Loads" by Ken Waters.

That just might be the "next manual" you are looking for,with one caveat.

The book is getting old, New powders come out,etc.

But most cast bullet designs are older than the book,and many current powders are pretty much the Unique,Bullseye,2400,etc.

Any particular cartridges and bullets you have in mind?

There are folks hee who have experience with most everythng.

And,don't be afraid to call a Hogdontech rep.
Are you aware Lyman makes a Reloading Manual.and they make a separate Cast bullet reloading manual.

I always ignored that manual because I thought it was a manual for casting bullets. Its a specific manual with load data for cast lead bullets? I did not know this.
Sorry to hear that the Lyman 50th Edition is lacking. I have the 49th Edition and it is outstanding. I also have the 3rd and 4th Edition of the Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook. The nice thing about the Lyman books is while the lead bullets listed are mainly bullets from their molds, they have a lot of data on jacketed bullets and powders from various manufacturers. Regarding other reloading manuals, as FrankenMauser said:
"Powder companies will only show their powders, but generally include a variety of bullets.
Bullet companies will only show their bullets, but generally include a variety of powders."
So, pick a load, start low, evaluate for function and accuracy, and report back with your results. A lot easier to help you from that point.

Hodgdon's online data includes a number of Berry's and Speer's bullets. I have the Lee manual, Lyman #49, and Lyman #4 for cast bullets. Between those sources and the Vihtavuori app if I can't find what i'm looking for I give up and move on to a more promising combo.

The Lee manual has a good selection of bullets and powder, however it's not always possible to tell which specific bullet they are using and they don't even have load data for many of their own cast bullet molds. The Lyman manuals gives better bullet descriptions, however the powder selection is kind of limited and honestly the bullet selection isn't that great for many calibers. The Hodgdon and Vihtavouri website and app have lots of good info if using those powders. The Alliant website is severely lacking and I assume it was made by someone who hates reloaders.
The Lee manual has a good selection of bullets and powder, however it's not always possible to tell which specific bullet they are using...

Yep. I give this manual out to the students in my reloading course, but point out that in many cases you don't know exactly what manufacturer's bullet is being used, and if it just lists a generic weight bullet, to consult other reloading manuals to confirm the validity of the Lee load data.

While you have to be cautious and make informed educated guesses, I long ago gave up looking for load data for every specific projectile in existence. I realize that all 124 jacketed bullets in 9mm do not behave the same. However a great many of them behave In a very similar manner. Thus, if I have load data for a 124 gn jacketed bucket from Sierra I will use the same data for a similarly constructed bullet of the same weight. You need to be familiar with the outliers, such as solid copper and projectiles with greater surface bearing than normal for their weight. This is the argument for always using starting loads with a combo you aren’t familiar with.

I shoot a fair amount of semi oddball WW2 era military calibers. There aren’t tons of load data out there for 7.5x54 French. You have to sometimes make educated guesses. I’ve used load data for cartridges with similar pressure limits and case capacity to load other cartridges I didn’t have any data listed for the powder/bullet combo. Start low, load conservative, and have fun.
BondoBob said:
Mostly I'm able to get Hunters Supply lead lubed bullets, Berry's plated bullets and Speer Jacketed bullets. I'm loading 380, 38spl, 357 for now. All my powders are Hodgdon, Universal, 700-X and Trailboss. That's what's readily available here.
The Hodgdon web site has a few loads for Berry's bullets ... but not many. I have never seen anyone list load data specifically for Hunter's Supply bullets, but data for a lead bullet of the same weight and general shape should give you enough data to allow you to work up a load.

There is no single source for every powder and every bullet. The bullet companies obviously only publish data for their bullets. Berry's doesn't provide any load data at all, and their general advice is worse than useless. (Disclaimer: I use their bullets, but their loading advice stinks.) And the powder companies can't possibly list every bullet available with each of their powders.

That's why we work up loads.
Hodgdon's online or, for the print reader, Hodgdon's Annual Reloading Manual...put out every year in december, I buy mine off the shelf at Dillon's or Walmart.