Best magazine for an Arsenal SGL 21?


New member
For a 30rd magazine for an Arsenal SGL 21 AK, do you have any advice?

Polymer vs steel magazine, any preference?
combloc surplus magazines are cheap, plentiful, damn near indestructible, and can easily be painted to match your needs.

If you just insist on polymer, the Bulgarian Circle 10s are the way to go.

Avoid anything else, and smash every Crapco magazine you find.
Combloc magazines...

What is a good source of Combloc magazines?

What are "Crapco magazines" so I can avoid them?

I looked at K-var but could not identify which were Bulgarian Circle 10 mags.

Crapco= Tapco. I agree with that moniker, I bought a Tapco mag for my RPK, and it was never able to ever cycle an entire mag full of ammo. I even took it apart and slicked it up, and it still jammed about halfway through. I have sworn off polymer mags until I can afford circle 10's.
Have 2 of the SGL21 Rifles and they are absolutely top-notch.

I have a large assortment of mags...most of which are steel bulgarian/Russian/Romanian (they all seem of the same quality,finish and function in 3,000+ rounds) surplus 30 rounders. The rest are the Circle 10 "waffle star" mags.

I don't buy tapco or promag as I believe they are true junk. And why feed a $1000 AK with crap mags?
Bulgarian Circle 10 mags...

I tried to research this and it seemed that all Bulgarian Circle 10 mags
are pre-ban and average $40 some each.

I looked at the K-Var site and was not able to decipher which
of their magazines were Bulgarian Circle 10 mags.

Any advice?

Thank you for your patience with me, I am trying to learn. :o