Best Hog of 2017 (So Far)

Zen Archery

New member
Shot a nice 225lb sow. My biggest so far this year but it's only May.
I should have videos my attempts to load this stupid thing into the back of the mule! Talk about comic fodder!
Click here for video
Yep I've been following some of his posts for years, even before I was a member.

I had over estimated my abilities to load some dead hogs before. I know my attempts were comical. But, what do you do when the quickest help is a couple of hours away? You buckle up and try harder. Lol.

You can also loose track of how far away your vehicle is when you stalk.

My favorite line when someone asks "Where is the best place to shoot (fill in the blank animal)? Reply: "close to the truck"
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I have had to load many elk, 2 moose and 2 buffalo by myself.
I have found the magic tool is ------------ the knife.

Field quarter and field butcher, and load them one piece at a time.
Heck, I ever do it now with large deer. No need to hurt my back.

I think if I ever killed a hog, I'd do the same thing.