Best gunsmith for rebluing?

brownell's has gunsmith and blueing service..... i'm thinking about haveing my model 27 reblued and the grrrrs taken out but a friend of mine said if i did i wouldn't want to shoot it again because it'd be too purty..........
I don't know all the other gunsmiths, but I do know Doug Turnbull personally and his work is world class, not cheap, but the best you are probably going to find along with case colors etc. Check out his web site..
And another. Lots of pics and info.

"Specializing In:
Complete restoration services
and period metal finishes including

Bone Charcoal Case Coloring
* NEW* Cyanide Case Coloring
Carbonia & Charcoal Blueing
Slow Rust Blueing
Nitre Blueing"

They do the Carbonia finish on the Colt WWI reproduction.
I've used ronsgunshop several times. his prices are fair and his quality is very good. Not quality like turnbill , but not the same cost either. He did a great job on a colt auto in 25 acp for me everal years ago. we do a
fantastic job of bluing, but if you want the BEST...


Around Minnesota, Ahlmanns of morristown MN, very good service and workmanship. But again, if it is the gun of a lifetime, Doug Turnbull. "its the colors....the colors...."
I do hot salt bluing, done so for 25 yrs. I am bragging and will say I can do some darn good work and darn near match or beat factory bluing, yes I cost a few dollars more then most but I take pride in my work, besides my name is going into the finish of your guns