Best gun buy you've made???

Judge Blackhawk

New member
Well we always here about the WORST gun buys you make.

So how about some positive notes to end the year.

What is the BEST gun deal you ever made.

Mine was when I was in college. I saw an ad in the newspaper (yes I should a been studying) that simply said "guns for sale". I called and the sweetest lady answered the phone. She said that her husband had passed away about a year earlier and she was tired of the guns in her house. She said she had a couple of rifles and some pistols. I drove down to her address she gave me and found a mint condition Python 6 inch stainless with Colt rosewood grips. She said she wanted 250.00 dollars for it. I asked if she would take a check. She said yes. I have the Python sitting in my gun safe as we speak.

It brings me lots of joy and pleasure, and I hope the previous gentleman who owned it, knows that the Python is loved and well cared for. This gun is priceless to me and will be my son's or daughter's. They are to young to now to appreciate it, but when they are older, I will let them decide who will have it.

Well, anyway, I hope some of you have had some really great gun buys over the years, that bring you pleasure. Remember to put away some special gun for posterity.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
May God in his grace, grant you peace and prosperity in the coming new year.

Judge Blackhawk
I'm still looking for that "great buy" that you mentioned, yer Honor, but a friend of mine gave me a Colt Detective Special a couple of years ago. I'm still trying to find out exactly when the gun was made, but believe that it came from the first run of the DS back in the late 20's/early 30's as the ejector rod isn't shrouded, which another friend of mine told me is indicative of being a first edition for that firearm. I guess I need to make some inquiries based on the serial number.
I'd say that one of my best gun buys is best from the gun itself, not the $. Back around 1970, I wanted a strong action, and a 26" barrel in .30-06. I gave up on a custom order after four months, and happened upon a Weatherby catalog. They showed their Mk V with a #2 profile, 26" barrel--and in '06!

I did get a discount, since it was a "pre-sold" deal. Now, the gun wasn't near as good as they claimed, but it was fixable. I rebedded it and installed a Canjar trigger and regularly got 5-shot, 3/4" groups.

It's "Old Reliable". I've always been able to hit with it, whether from a rest or off-hand. I can shoulder it and take a snap-shot, like a shotgun, and danged if I don't hit stuff! The "comforting confidence" it's given me has, I think, made me a better hunter...

So I guess if it came down to "If you just had one rifle..."

Golly, gee! My own little Ma Bell!

:), Art
I have had a few great buys, the mint 1917 Savage auto in .380 that came with the original box of ammo. I got that from the estate of a former FBI agent.

The 1917 Efert artillery Luger with snail drum magazine as well as a 1917 dated DWM 4" Luger and a Colt Official Police revolver for a unmentionally low amount of money (for what the snail drum magazine should have cost).

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Had to be in 1975 when I worked as a deputy sheriff in northwest Colorado. Guy from Colorado Springs drank himself to death in a motel and left a Cadillac and a Rem. 700 BDL in .25-06, a Redfield Squareview 3-9, two boxes of ammo and a fancy case. His parents came up to take care of legal matters, sold the Caddy to a gas staion owner and asked if I wanted the rifle. Turned my pocket inside out and produced a $50 bill. Father said it had to be with about $75, but took the $50 because ''it ain't no .30-06.'' Rifle had total of six rounds through it.

[This message has been edited by 2shots (edited December 25, 1999).]
I once stumbled on to an old model Ruger Single Six at a yard sale. Gave $30 for it. Nice little gun, shot well but, I didn't care for the fixed sights. Sold it for $100.

Not long ago a friend of mine told me he had an old model Charter Arms undercover he didn't want anymore. Said he'd take $50 for it. I tried to tell him that he could get more for it, but he didn't care. Gun was kind of rough, but still sound. I gave him the fifty and bought the gun. I shot it some and even considered keeping it even though the small grips blistered my hand after fifty rounds. I finally took it to a gun show and didn't get ten feet in the door before it sold for $100. I was happy with that.

Buying and selling guns is like everything else in life. Some days you get the bear and some days the bear gets you.

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited December 25, 1999).]
3 months ago I traded an unwanted Savage 223 for a Win. M-65(yes an original)in 32-20,then traded that for what I really wanted,a Colt SAA in 44 special with A 4 5/8 Inch barrel and nickeled
Forgot to mention a minty Python I picked up for $125 from a guy who needed the cash after a winter of skiing. And I regret trading away a S&W Mod. 58 that I bought for $70 from a construction worker. And the AR-15 with about 300 rounds from a deputy who needed the cash. Paid him $125.

[This message has been edited by 2shots (edited December 26, 1999).]
My best gun buy would have to be the Ruger P95 that I got as a gift! :) :) :)

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!

Now, go do the right thing, and buy that Walther!!
I'd say the best was my Colt AR-15 Delta HBAR rifle I picked up used for $900 about 10 years ago. Leather sling, aluminum case, armored scope, cheekpiece, Delta insignia, preban (bayonet lug, flash suppressor), etc.
Another good one was my Browning Citori O/U 12 gauge I got for $375 used from a retired police officer, who couldn't shoot skeet anymore due to his shoulder problems, about 8 years ago. Latest good purchase was my HK USP 45F in good condition for $450.

[This message has been edited by Sambonator (edited December 26, 1999).]
Flawless Sig P226 in .40 with 2 factory mags, Sig hardcase and owners manual for $450. You could not tell for certain if it had ever been fired after it left the factory.
I would have to say my best buy was my military issue 45. A friend of mine was moving out of state and didn't want to take this along. This was back about 1976 or 77. Well anyway he knew that I liked guns and he ask me if I wanted it and what I would give him for it. I really, No kidding really didn't know what it was worth back then and it was missing the mag. I told him with that missing and not trying it out I'd give $75. for it. He agreed and I got the .45 the original issued belt and holster plus 4 boxes of Army issue .45 Ball ammo.
Still have and never will part with it. The gun was in good original condition,made by Remington Rand. I was able to get a magazine from my local gun smith And I still take it to the range from time to time. It's a mainstay of my WWII collection.
Good Buy

Help Stamp Out Gun Ignorance.

[This message has been edited by loknload (edited December 26, 1999).]
Greetings, This may not qualify for the best gun deal ever conducted; but it certainly was one of the prettiest firearms I've ever
owned. In the early 70's I was able to procrue an original Smith & Wesson Model 39-2
with factory nickel finish. Even to this day,
"It is the one I wish I could have back"?
This is after several years, and some 140
guns later !!! Illinois State Police had
just approved these weapons; and they were
extremely hard to come by?????

Ala Dan
I would have to say my current carry piece which is the Colt CCO in its original config.
Checked out a bunch of .45's before I bought it. Saved about 150 bucks on it compared to what other shops were asking. Got it for just over 500 bucks, and shop where I shot one against a Kimber compact and a couple of others wanted close to retail which they had on the tag at 785 bucks.
Got a sporterized No.1 MK.III, a Marlin 336, a Savage 20 guage and a .410 single shot for $300 dollars from the widow of a friends neighbor. I tried to give her more, but she just wanted them out of the house.
I bought a Blue Label Colt Sporter Target with a nice assault case, 350 rounds of factory hunting ammo, 10 30-round mags and 2 20-rounders from a college student back in 93 for $500.
Got a pre-70s series Colt Combat Commander with just a bit of wear on the finish for $250 at a gun show a few months ago.
Those are probably the two best.
It's a toss up between $125 for a S&W Model 36 revovler which had some bluing missing (I bead blasted it and reblued it myself) or $120 for a M1 Carbine (Saginaw).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Had to be the Browning BDM I recently purchased.. I really like the gun and am planning on shooting IDPA with it. Picked it up for a paltry $270 Mark / FL
Hmmm... My best gun buy (from a profit standpoint) had to be when I bought a slightly used (looked mint to me) HK SP89 for a little less than $2000 and which I just recently sold for more than $4000...

Otherwise, my best gun buy (from a personal feeling standpoint) is a HK P7M8 that I got brand new for less than $900 out the door...