Best Demooner - Screwdriver/Pliers Type? How Many Moon Clips?


New member
There is the screwdriver type demooner that strips the cases and store in the handle/throat until you dump them.

TK Custom and Brownells sell them

Then Calif Comp Works and Dillon sell a pliers style demooner.

Which do you prefer?

And has anybody used the Scherer full moon clips for the 610. Got a good deal on them if I want. How many do I need for hunting and plinking at the range?

Best way to store moon clips?
A chopstick or dowel works better. Just insert it in the empty case and pull.

Have a pistol case exclusively for pistols and revolvers. It contains all my accessories, moon clips (all calibers), compensators, tools, ect.

Only use factory clips or from TK Custom. They work perfect, so why make a change.


I really like the California Comp pliers type. It's quick and saves a lot of wear and tear on the hands. I got mine from Dillon, which came in handy when I broke the 1st one I got. They send me a replacement at no charge. The stainless clips can be a little stiff to load and unload, so I've quit using them.

Enjoy your new "N" frame...

I use to use a dowel rod, but I'm getting soft (sissy) and got the Dillon. Works great and I don't regret spending the money.
A fellow at my club makes a Moon/DeMoon tool that works excellent, he's sold it to many of the other revolver shooters at the range and I think he's trying to patent it. Best of all if memory serves it's very reasonable. I'll try to post his phone # if I can pick it up this week.

Check Six.
Well I just ordered 50 Scherer moon clips from Brownells and the California Comp Works pliers type and the case for it all.

I scored all of the responses over the Net and people preferred the pliers type two to one over the screwdriver type.


We'll play with the SW 610 this Friday!
I still use the old tube type the only problem i see with them is that the tube only holds five before you have to remove your finger and dump it......its worked fine for years, although I might have to try that new "pliers" style. I took a tip from a fellow shooter on how to store those moon clips just take a used pill bottle and keep them in that......of course you might have to know someone who's pills come in that size of a container........but it works for me, easy to transport, easy to maintain....fubsy.
Don't know why anyone would pay for a 'demooner' when you can make one out of a length of 1/2" pvc waterline in three minutes with four simple hacksaw cuts (think of a .45's barrel hood.) I've made dozens of them to pass out to moon-clip using friends.
The pliers type works very fast, and it's almost impossible to bend a moon clip with it. My first choice.

If you're using a screwdriver/tube type, cut off the end on the handle--you can then demoon over a box/bag and the cases will fall right out into same.
