Best current made repoduction Broomhandle Mauser stock/holster?


New member
I've seen a few reproduction Broomhandle Mauser stock/holster options out there, but I'm not sure of the quality. I've seen the one from Sarco and another from Northridge International. If anyone has any experience with either one of those reproductions or know of any others out there that are good enough to shoot with, please let me know.
Best to check with the ATF to see how they look at repro stocks, TODAY. I went through this in times past, when the ATF changed its mind about them several times over a couple decades.

At one time repro stocks were allowed with the pistol without it being an NFA item. Then they changed their minds and said only originals were exempt.

Don't know what they say today, but it would be a good idea to find out. I sold my stock when the AFT ruled "only originals" to avoid any possibility of a problem. Sold the pistol about a decade later.

The stock I had, had no markings at all. Actual "originals" that I have seen also had no markings. I don't know how the ATF would determine which was which, but have no desire to sit in court while they do....:rolleyes: