Best crushed Walnut Grit to clean cases?


New member
Tractor Supply Corp offers crushed Walnut shells @ $12.99/10 Lbs.: they offer Corase or Fine grit; I assume coarse is best (won't stick in flash holes), The coarse grit is 12/20 mesh; the fine is 35/60 is used as blasting media and the mesh is important for its application. They also offer a medium grit 18/40 mesh but it costs more. I would guess it's better than lizard bedding as the later is not screened and one would get particles of all different sizes....can anyone offer me some advice before I buy ten lbs please?
Not sure what type I have since it was a gift from a larger source, but, mine does stick in flash holes. I little annoying but gives me the opportunity to inspect each case.
Following this thread though...
I am not overly anal about shiny brass but I have had great results for years using
Lizard Litter from Pet Smart and a bit of Nu Finish car polish.
If you use coarse grit like lizard bedding, it will tend to stick inside 223 cases and is a huge pain to get out with a piece of stiff wire. DAMHIK

I buy 25# boxes for walnut blasting media from Horrible Fright and, with a little MS, it works great and is fine enough to flow out of small bottle neck cases.
Mineral Spirits (MS) is a good cleaner, but the polish is faster. I've made my own slow polish by mixing MS with diatomaceous earth from the garden supply. It's one of the polishes used in toothpaste and usually comes in food grade for garden applications. For something faster, mix white automotive buffing compound with MS. For faster still, the red compound. There are still occasions where that is quicker or more appropriate than running stainless pins.
I have used the SS great, but I dislike seperating them and then you have to dry them throughly...the worst is they tarnish quickly afterwards...
Zilla lizard litter from the pet supply stores. It's small enough to not clog up the flash holes. Then, add a cap full of Nu Finish car polish followed by a cap full of mineral spirits.

Slightly off topic, but I use walnut lizard bedding from pet store, it's a small uniform size & does plug flash holes but has never been an issue for me.
Problem is, it eventually wears out takes forever to clean brass.
I do all my brass cleaning outside. One day I forgot to put everything away & had left my Lyman bowl filled with worn out walnut shells outside in a 2 day rain.
So I poured off the water, dumped wet shells on a cookie sheet, placed it in the sun to dry.
I tried using it, it worked as good or maybe better than the fresh new shells from the store.
I'm now on my 2nd water cleaning of the same shells, so far it's working well.
However, YMMV!!! :D
When I clean cases, I use the cheap (around $13 for 10 quarts) Lizard Litter too (the bags says Zilla Desert Blend on it. I have 20qt of the stuff.... Lasts me a long time... Solving the flash hole problem is to leave the spent primer in place. Then resizing kicks out the primer and makes sure the flash hole is clear at the same time.