Best cleaning kit for AR and pistol


New member
Who makes a good AR and/or pistol cleaning kit? I’m looking for a pre-made kit that will get the job done. Scheels has their own branded kits and I’ve also seen Winchester branded kits as well. Any I should avoid?
There are many options to select from - one piece rods, segmented rods, cable systems, and various bore snake type systems. You can purchase kits that include any of the above, or assemble your own kit.

I prefer Pro-Shot and Dewey cleaning equipment. If I were looking for a kit that covers most of the bases, I'd get this one from Pro-Shot. Add a few caliber specific brass jags and you could use this kit for quite a while, only replacing consumables, before you would want to add more equipment.
Since cleaning kits seldom have the best materials and usually have pieces you don't need and don't have one's you do need, most shooters eventually build their own kits.

Pay a visit online to Brownell's and Midway. They have most everything you need.

A good start is to visit Walmart or a hunting/fishing store and buy a tackle box.
These are ideal for storing brushes, patches, jags, and solvents, and everything else you'll accumulate.

The main items are good cleaning rods that will do the job and not harm your guns.
The best for rifles and pistols are one-piece stainless steel or carbon fiber rods.
Most cleaning kits come with brass or aluminum rods that screw together.
This is counter intuitive...... You think the best rods would be brass or aluminum because the soft metal shouldn't hurt a barrel.
The fact is, grit can embed into the soft metal and wear delicate muzzles and scratch bores.
The best rods are hard, bare stainless steel, although many top shooters are now using carbon fiber because a carbon rod is either perfectly straight or it's broken in half.

DO NOT buy rods that screw together. These never align perfectly and there's usually sharp edges at the joints that can ruin a barrel instantly.

For pistols I long ago bought stainless steel Pro-Shot pistol cleaning rods.
These come with a brass cone-shaped muzzle protector, and are a quality item you'll only have to buy ONCE in a life time.

For rifles many top shooters use Dewey, which is sort of the standard.
Brownell's sell Dewey rods.
Some people buy coated rods but the coating will not last long term and you'll be buying another rod.

After that, just pick out the type of patch holders you like, buy good flannel patches and the bore solvent of your choice.
As you need more products just add them to your tackle box kit.
This way you won't waste money on items you won't use or get substandard screw together rods made of brass or aluminum.
Rod, jag, bore cleaner and lube....maybe a brush or other extras.

You will be money ahead if you buy what you need over a kit.

For example, I really like a Dewey rod, Sinclair bore guide, Patchout cleaner, my own solvent trap, misc ar tools, a carbon cleaner, and a couple Brownell’s patch sizes. There is no kit for that.

The way kits are put together is subpar components in small bottles all in a blister pack!

I build my kits from tools, cleaners and lube I will use in a tool bag or tool box. Ordering dropper bottles helps make smaller kits for a range bag or the like.
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"...AR and/or pistol cleaning kit..." Different things. Primarily just in the type of rod that comes with it. Partial to a 'pull through' for rifles, myself. Pistol rods are just Al with a loop and a threaded hole.
"...hard, bare stainless steel..." That can start a huge argument all by itself. snicker.