Best Cleaner and Lubricant


New member
I am sure that this question has been raised before, but I'll ask anyway.

What is the best gun lubricant? What is the best gun/barrel cleaning solution?

For oil: Dillon's Snake Oil
For Grease: Moly Paste from Sinclair's, others. (Bolt Gun Lugs, Autopistol slides, etc.)
Bore solvent: Shooter's Choice/Kroil, mixed 3:1.

Shoot carefully... swifter...
swifter, Interesting idea on mixing Shooters Choice and Kroil. Those 2 products are also my favorites for getting a barrel clean (along with Barnes CR-10), but what is the advantage of mixing them? I may have to try it.

For oil, I like Gunslick's Tri-Lube.
Skorzeny (cool handle, Otto was one of my heroes), I love Shooter's Choice for the bore (gotta make sure you get it all out, though) and Break Free CLP for general lubrication.
Has anyone tried EEZOX? It is a CLP. Apparently, it cleans well, lubricates by bonding with the metal and will become dry (rather than dried off).

It also does not affect gunpowder or primers. At least that's what the ad claims. Anyone got thoughts or comments?

Try MPRO7 & you'll throw everything else away. However, you'll need a good copper removing solvent for anything over 3000 fps first. I recommend Shooter's Choice or RB 17.

I do currently use the MPro-7. I like it a lot. However, it's only a cleaner, not a lubricant or a preservative. I wasn't as impressed with "the Ultimate Gun Lubrication" from the same company. So, I've been looking for a good CLP or lubricant.

Skorzeny, try Militec-1. It's great stuff, especially when diluted w/ MPRO7 lubricant. I've trying Snake Oil right now on a SIG & it seems to be good also. The Militec-1/MPRO7 concoction holds up well to sustained firing in Glocks & SIGs. However, I'm always open to something better if it's out there. By the way, Martin @ MPRO7 (one nice & informative fellow)recommended the mixture of one pillow pak of their lubricant w/ 1 oz. Militec-1. It's not often you see someone recommending competitor's products. Very gentlemanly.
Mal H, I got the idea from the bench rest guys, they've been mixing SC and Kroil for years. seems to wotk a bit better on carbon fouling than plain SC.

EEsox--- Tried it years ago, gave me warty growths on my hands. Quit & they went away. Tried it again and they came back... Gave it up forever, and glad the warts departed. I won't push my luck with a third try... :)

Shoot carefully... swifter...
Skorzeny, I use Ballistol as a cleaner and lubricant for BPCR and am quite pleased. Cleanes the bores up pretty quick. I use it sometimes on smokeless loads, but only as a last swab.

Trapdoor Billy
Indian Scout and Delaware Cowboy