Best caliber for mammoth hunting and best way to legally regulate it?


New member
Seriously now. What would be the best rifle and caliber for a recently cloned wooly mammoth? And since this is the leagal and political section, what would be the best way to regulate their hunting? :eek:

Consider it would have to operate flawlessly in subzero temperatures, have a ready second, third or fourth shot and be sufficiently powerful for the task. But it would have to be light so as to be easily carried in case the mammoth came after you.

I am still pretty sure I'd choose a .444 rifle but after looking at the options it would be a Marlin model 444 instead of a Winchester Timber model 1894 as the latter is harder to find these days.

Then of course there is always the question of the best handgun for use against saber toothed tigers.
Seein as how they pretty elephant like....
Guess bout any battle rifle would do.
If the shooter did.

Regulate the huntin as appropriate to the number of the critters.

Bow season would be a hoot.

Hunt enough for herd stability.

I would expect any cloned mammoths available for "hunting" to be private, commercial property appearing in canned "hunts" costing ten of thousands of dollars. I'd expect the vendor to make available a selection of heavy doubles commensurate with the "game" and the prices. I would not be a member of the target market for both ethical and financial reasons.
Yeah, I wanna see primative weapon season. :D

Oh my, I just had a Dilbert-like vision:

Imagine a whole 'tribe' of accountants, mid-level managers and assorted paper-pushers out on a team-building safari, at company expense...all wearing skins, toting spears and bows, and trying to plan how to take one of these bad boys down.

"OK, Simmons, you and the other guys from Accounts Payable go south around the...south? that way, towards those trees...anyway, Accounts Payable will go that way and flank them, while Marketing and Human Resources will lay in wait under those bushes..."

Mike :D
Theres a whole bunch of olde age Mega fauna that would be quite "challenging"


the shortfaced bear could run down horses


Giant sloths were kinda huge

then there were the 16 foot tall rinos...
Why Mess with Tradition?

Spears and bows! In large groups!

With Clovis Points!

Tradition must be honored! ;)
It's a .577 tryanosaour.

I'm thinking the perfect weapon would be a group of screaming banshees herding the terrified beasts over the nearest available cliff.
How about a tank with a goodly sized harpoon gun mounted on the turret?
You could keep the mortar, but I think it would waste a little meat. :)
Hmmm...would you need a big game lic or a fur bearer? Both?? :rolleyes:

A 416 bolt gun plus a 500NE or 577NE double for going into the brush and a Bowen Ruger 5 shot 45LC or 475 on the hip :D
Either a 375 H&H on a magnum mauser action, or a 470 nitro express double.

As for regulations on megafauna, well... first we'd have to build a time machine...

Seriously bringing back a species to study it is one thing, bringing it back to hunt it for sport without a viable breeding population is rather like going to the zoo and blasting the last Tasmanian Tiger to kingdom come.
But Really!

But Really!

Spears and bows! Extra Points for taming your own Wolves!

A REAL primitive weapons hunt! :D

Our ancestors did need any guns to extinct them!