Best Buy stores have no place for gun safety

Michael Marks

New member
I thought I would share a clear-cut example of the kind of myopic discrimination that contributes to the violence problem in America. We went through the formal process of offering SafetyOn to Best Buys.

In speaking with a Mr. Greg Levchek at the Best Buy HQ in Minnesota, I was informed that a gun safety CD-ROM "did not fit Best Buy's product line".

I was a bit taken aback and I asked Mr. Levchek if Best Buy sold other types of educational CDs (which of course they do, offering everything from language to gardening to accounting, ad nauseum). Mr. Levchek assured me that they did sell educational CDs.

I then asked if Best Buy sold hyper-violent game CDs like Doom, Quake, Unreal, etc. Again he readily agreed that they did.

"So" I concluded "let me get this straight; you do sell educational CDs, and you do sell CDs relating to the violent misuse of firearms, your distinction is that your product line has been defined to specifically exclude educational CD that gives a POSITIVE message regarding firearms and safety... is that right?"

About this point his 'career danger light' flicked on and he dropped to a mumble, stammering "uh.. I think I need to talk to my boss about this." Yeah, no kidding. While you're at it, maybe check with your legal and PR departments as well.

Needless to say, he never called back with a clarification. I am certain they are in "maybe he'll just go away" mode.

So in spite of folks like the President and Attorney General saying "all gun owners should learn gun safety" and in spite of the fact that we ALL know education can save lives, its the formal position of Best Buy that firearm safety education has no place in the Best Buy product line. I can tell you, when the "anti-violent video game" lawyers start suing game makers and game retailers in exactly the same manner as anti-gun lawyers are suing gun makers and gun retailers, I'll be sure to have my timely notes ready and waiting. It will be interesting to see how a company like Best Buy reacts when placed under the spotlight to explain why, when it knowingly sold games that are linked to wanton public violence, that they intentionally excluded public safety information that could have helped offset those negative examples.

Just thought you would like to know where your store's heart is...

Michael, If Best Buy is hoping you'll just disappear into the woodwork... don't!

Keep after them!
I'd like to email this schmoe myself or something, if you can get an email address for him.

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
I'm in...

Let's mail bomb this putz back to the stone age

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Get the e-address, I'll send him/them something too.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Here is my Email:
(I filled out the requested fields with my fullname & Address, and the statement about my families purchases is accurate...)

I have recently heard that a Mr. Levchek at your company headquarters has said that the fine product "SafetyOn" has no place in the Best Buy Product Line.

As a frequent customer of Best Buy (my family has easily spent over $1000 in your new store in Goodlettesville, TN over the past year), I find it hard to believe that the SafetyOn CD-Rom would not fit into your store's wide variety of software titles.

As an advocate of Responsible Gun Ownership, a Father, a Police Officer and a customer, I would ask you to reconsider your decision to not offer this firearms safety software onthe same shelves that your store offers entertaining, but violent, computer games.

Thank You.
Here is the text of my comments to Best Buy:

"Greetings. It has come to my attention that Mr. Levchek at your company headquarters has made a statement that the product "SafetyOn" does not have a place in your product line.

Frankly, this smells of a political decision. That's a shame. Politicizing the safety of our children cannot be defended. Would you please reconsider this decision? Thank you for your time."
I put it in a positive slant, and simply said that SafetyOn software is a great program that helps parents properly instruct their children regarding firearms safety, and it would compliment their otherwise fine line of educational software.

Sometimes a little honey works as well.

IMHO, the only media that would enjoy this story is either outside the U.S., or ... HEY, it just came to me - the Wall Street Journal would really eat this story up!

Michael, consider going to them with your efforts and roadblocks regarding this BS. John Lott might be helpful, as might Gary Kleck, James Bovard, etc. This is such obvious stupidity, I'll bet the Wall Street Journal would enjoy this story.

Best wishes and good luck to you. I also contacted WalMart.

Thanks for producing a great product, and thanks for showing the anti-self defense crowd for what they really are - callous about the very children they love to say they are protecting.

Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited July 11, 1999).]
Along the lines of Jeff's comments about the WSJ, I sent a copy of my letter to the Best Buy investor relations dept.

I was in Best Buy yesterday and saw that they sell hunting and shooting games, one was from Guns and Ammo, and it amazes me that they will not carry the gun safety cd.
I put in my $.02. I was polite about it and suggested that they get a copy and review it. I hope they listen. Since I don't yet have one, it would be nice to run down to Best Buy and pick it up.
I just emailed them, and gave them my $.02. As others have said, I was polite about it, but let them know my dismay at their hypocrisy. Perhaps if enough of us TFLers respond, they will reconsider their decision.

I would personally go buy the CD the moment I heard it was on the shelves.