Best BP Substitute


New member
I've been lurking and reading for several weeks now and the information I've gleaned from these posts has been invaluable. I am new to BP shooting and, as a matter of fact, am taking my Uberti '58 Remington to the range for the first time today. My question for the group is: which BP substitute do you prefer? I'm trying out some Pyrodex 30 gr. pellets the Bass Pro Shop fellow showed me, and I bought a jar of Shockey's Gold. Now I'm having second thoughts about my choices. I have local access to Goex Pinnacle, 777, Pyrodex, and Shockey's. Any advice?
Which car manufacturer do you prefer?

Blondes, burnettes or redheads?

Steak or venison roast?

Philly cheesesteak, burger, bratwurst or hoagie?

If I am out of real black powder I prefer loose 777. It's cleaner, consistent (in a revolver, don't use it in a flintlock rifle) and hotter than the others.

Using pellets in a revolver is not a good idea; they are not consistent enough and do not provide sufficient loading flexibility. They will make the gun go boom, however, so it that's all you want, go for it.

Then if you decide to get serious about bp, get on the internet and order some real black powder from Graf's or Powder, Inc.
I too would not recommend using pellets or sticks, in my revolvers. Currently I am using American Pioneer and works fine. As noted, it's a matter of personal choice. It's kind of like voting for a politician. Most of the time I don't vote for who I like, but against who I don't like.

Bought an Old Army model a month ago and had to clean it right off. Sure would like to know what the guy who owned it shot as the residue was dry, fine and "No Corrosion". Clean up like new. Going to contact this guy and see what he shot.

Now, here come the push backs. I do not use or ever will use, B/P or Pyrodex as I have to much respect for my guns. You try it and it's your call.

I never tell a man what to do with his monwy or his wife; I may only recommend. .. ;);)
I prefer real bp but it's not available locally so I use Pyrodex. Pyrodex's reputation is undeserved IMHO. I recently left a fired 58 Remmy uncleaned for nine days and it didn't rust or corrode. Pyro is the cheapest of the subs at almost half the price of 777.
I am new to BP.

I tried 777 the other day, first time at the range with my CVA sidelock.

I cleaned the barrel with water on a patch per the instructions. I spent more time cleaning the area around the nipple from the cap residue.

The weather is horrible up here, and I did not spend a lot of time at the range in the cold stomping through the snow. I am sure that as the weather improves and I can spend more time at the range I may look for a less expensive alternative. If I am going to spend the day at the range, I won't mind investing more time in cleanup.
Bp Substitute

MY bp substitute of choice at this moment is goex pinnacle, i did not like
pyrodex it has a slow ignition. I have not tried jim shockey's gold, if you
have let us know how it shoots.
Shoot Safe Long Rider.:)
Triple Seven for me, it's very well worth the higher price. I think if a person really evaluates and compares the different offerings 777 wins. Anyone who hasn't tried it is doing themselves a real disservice. IMO
Triple Seven for me, it's very well worth the higher price. I think if a person really evaluates and compares the different offerings 777 wins. Anyone who hasn't tried it is doing themselves a real disservice. IMO

It may be but I can't see paying 11 bucks difference per pound to find out.
Pyrodex is my LAST choice. Unlike Hawg Haggen's experience with it, if I can't clean immediately and thoroughly, the gun is bleeding rust everywhere the next day or two. Take into account I live in a very dry climate too, go figure. I use gennywine black and APP.
I live in the deep South, hot and humid. I do usually usually clean after I shoot but sometimes don't get to it for two or three days. I did the experiment on the Remmy just to see how long it would go. I checked it every day and at the end of nine days the bore and chambers were getting a white film. I went ahead and cleaned it then.
Walmart was selling their Pyrodex and 777 during a huge sale at the end of muzzleloading season. I think Pyrodex was 11 bucks and 777 was 15.00 or 14.00 per lb., can't really remember. I bought the store out of the 777 because I have found it to be extremely consistent and easy to clean up. This is shooting it out of a Ruger and a Hawken rifle. Great stuff.
I have used Pyrodex, and 777 in the past, but got tired of the mess that went along with those powders. Started using a powder named clean shot (now American Pioneer) years ago. The American Pioneer powder is similar to that Shockley powder you bought. It burns clean, does not smell like sulphur, is non corrosive and cleans up real easy. It shoots accurate enough in my TC Omega for deer hunting. All those deer I killed while using it never knew the difference between it and Pyrodex. Whether or not it will obtain the same velocity as Pyrodex is another question, but for deer hunting I couldn't ask for a better powder. The powder discussion is alot like brand and caliber discussions, everyone has their preference. Good luck on your decision.
I don't have a whole lot of experience, but I use 777. 15% faster velocity than other powders, and cleaner. My father has been into muzzleloading for decades...started before any of the subs were available. He, too, now uses 777.
So far, I've only tried Pyrodex. I have an old can someone gave me. Clean up isn't too bad and so far, not rust on my gun. But I think I will pick up some 777 and maybe some of the AP if I can find it.

Might be taking the Remmy out this week!:) I know some of you shoot real often, but I don't seem to have much time, so it's always exciting.
I say forget the subs and go with real black powder ..makes the experience much more fun the smells and the flames and smoke ain`t nothing like it ....and with the high price of the subs ..shouldn``t cost as much .
I have used black powder, pyrodex, 777, american pioneer( shockey's gold) and black mag3 and without a doubt black mag3 beats them all considerably. You can shoot all day without swabbing between shots it has more power than the rest and at the end of the day cleanup is a breeze and if you dont clean your weapon right away that's not a problem as this stuff won't start rusting or corroding. I have not tried this experiment yet but the manufacturer claims it will recover after getting wet. I still have some pyrodex and 777 and use it periodically just to use it up but I use black mag just about exclusively. The only down side to black mag3 is it's availability.
Years ago, I used Black Mag and when I went to buy more, my supplier folded and so did this manufacturer. Have not seen any around her. Where do you get yours and what are you paying? Personally, to varying degrees, I like anything except Black Powder and Pyrodex. Lately I have been shooting a lot of 777 in my in-lines and Shockey in my traditionals. Thanks for your input !!

Be safe !!!
i have used both tripple 7 and pyrodex. I prefer goex though. It just seems easier to clean up and cheaper in my area. a bottle of 777 will run 22.00 while goex is 17.00. So go figure im staying black.