Best Bore Cleaner

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What is the best bore cleaner out there? It has to be 1. Good on copper 2. Not too foul smelling/toxic 3. Nothing I have to mix or cook on my stove and 4. No immersibles or electronics. Let me hear what you have to say.
I use shooters choice,hoopes#9 and tetra gun oil. i also use Rig Universla gun oil.
All work grea for you purpouse. shooters choice is better on lead.
The advice that oberkommando gave is the same that you'll find on and Those guys probably know more about bore cleaning than any other folks in the shootin' business.

Many of the benchrest guys also use either Rem. Bore Clean or JB's. Both are mildly abrasive, and should be completely removed with solvent prior to firing.
der oberkommando und ich agree on products but not on mixture. I use Shooters Choice (2/3) mixed with Kroil (1/3) as the cleaner and either Sweets or Barnes CR10, whichever is closer at hand on the bench, for copper. If the copper or lead is too much to handle with chemicals, I use an Outers Foul Out II, it works wonders on a barrel you thought was clean.
Mal is right only 1/3 kroil as it is the oil part, sorry for the mistake a little lexdysia, I mean Dyslexia set in.

Walt, is also right about the bench guys, which I am not one of, just a copy cat.

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited November 13, 1999).]
I ALMOST felt like a bench guy this week. First five shots out of my Rem. .223 VS measured .246". That won't win any prizes in BR, but it's not bad for an out-of-the-box rifle. (Except for the Timney trigger set at about 1#.)

Shoot to kill; they'll stop when they're dead!
Anyone here use MP-cleaner?
I have also heard that Sweets and other Ammonia type copper solvents are a definate no-no on nickle plated weapons... This true?
Thanks guys...

Couple more you might try are JB bore compound and USP bore paste, excellent for removing slug residue from forcing cone area just coat patch with USP, wrap around or over 12ga bore brush and start brushing. It will take a number of patches and will wreck havoc on the brush, but it sure works. My 12ga barrels are near perfect when done.
This is a serious topic. We often spend a ton of money on our guns spare mags that are "just right" and all this extra stuff - but not on a good cleaning kit and supplies.
You need to have the right stuff at hand to else its a mess later.
Have you ever seen a guy with a top of the line gun who was bitching about failures and his gun looks as if it was NEVER cleaned? I hate that. Cleaning is VITAL to a guns function. Hand in hand with cleaning is proper Lubing. Differnet guns need different lubes. You need to be aware of your guns requirements. Kinda like owning a Dog...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey, have I mentioned my new book? It is called:
Butch's Bore Shine is what I am using now. I have used the Kroil/SC mix,Hoppes #9,JBs,Sweets,Prolix,Corbins. Even the Outers Foul Out ((for extreme copper fouling-works great!) I don't shoot moly coated bullets. I have found Fastex and it is great! As for the Bore-Snake. I wouldn't use it for cleaning only. But for prairie dog hunting it beats hiking all the way back to the rig to clean the barrel. We pull it through every 25 rounds. Not the answer to a spotless barrel but keeps the fouling down to stay in the field shooting longer. But since I found fastex I won't need to carry the snake anymore. Hey George, is your book published yet? Great title! good luck! I'm out.
What is fastex? I have a 700 remington classic in .17rem that I want to keep the fouling down on while out hunting varmints.
I have been wanting to ask about bore cleaners myself.I have been using Birchwood/Casey Gun Scrubber.It is strong smelling and hard on the skin.I just bought some in liquid form.Any comments pro and con welcomed.
The local Wal-Marts have cut down on the shelf space for cleaning supplies, Gun Scrubber,Outer's Nitro Solvent and Rem Bore Cleaner is all that I can find.
I have a Otis Tech. breech to muzzle rifle/pistol cleaning kit that has the Otis brand of bore cleanser,lubricant all in one bottle.
I got a can of Outer's Tri Lube any comments pro and con on this stuff
The Bore Snake works good on keeping my S&W 41 (22 auto pistol) working well at the range. After about 100 to 150 rounds, it will tend to jamb from powder fouling (?), but the Bore Snake without lube will make it go on for another 100 to 150. I don't use it at home.

I think that Gun Scrubber is great, but don't use it for primary cleaning. Use it after you have cleaned the gun, to flush out the left over solvent/residue/carbon. It leaves the metal clean and dry, so remember to properly re-lube.