Best book for learning the HD shotgun?


New member
When I eventually purchase my 1st shotgun, I am definitely going to take a lesson at the range.

While I have been shooting handguns for years, I realize this, in some ways, requires a different set of skills.

I also respect the power of the shotgun and want to use it safely and effectively.

For whatever reason, I don't see a lot of book on shotguns for home defense.

I see one called "Tactical Shotgun: The Best Techniques And Tactics For Employing The Shotgun In Personal Combat" by a former LA policeman.

I also see another called "Carbine And Shotgun Speed Shooting: How To Hit Hard And Fast In Combat by Steve Moses"

Finally, another one that got good reviews is "The Farnam Method of Defensive Shotgun and Rifle Shooting by John S. Farnam (Paperback - Jan 1, 1998)"

The cop's book, per it's reviews, seems to be more police oriented, and only 20% covers real situations a homeowner might encounter.

Any good bood books you can recommend on the topic, or have any of you read any of
these three books and can offer your thoughts on the book?
A few I've got on my shopping list-
The Defensive Shotgun-Louis Awerbuck
Stress Fire II: Gunfighting for Police-Advanced Combat Shotgun-Ayoob
The Shotgun in Combat (ordering this week)
Gunvideo-Mastering the Combat Shotgun dvd

If you can't get to Gunsite or similar, would have to think dvd's are as or more important than books. But books are important too. Some of us just don't have the resources to attend high grade training schools like that (or comply with requisite b.s.), so this is all we have to work with for now.

Always have heard Justifiable Homicide by Hansen is good to have if you think you might have to put someone down in your home.

That Tactical Shotgun one you mentioned should be good, Gabe Suarez is a good writer.