Best bedside safe


New member
Im looking for a safe way to keep a gun at the bedside for my wife and I. I have a 9y/o daughter and sometimes a sitter in the house. I am considering a biometric vault of some sort. Are there any to stay away from or any suggestions on which one to use. I expect to store either a 5" 686+ or a PA63 in the vault loaded and ready. So its not safe to have around children.
I have a GunVault and although I’ve had no real issues I’ve read several complaints. So, you might want to do a search and read some of the feedback before you buy that brand.

Personally my next small gun safe will probably be from these guys
Best safe? In my opinion it would be one with no batteries to die or biometrics that might fail when in a hurry. Look for one with a simplex type lock that has usually 5 buttons that you can program to your combination and never requires batteries, charging or sensors that could go bad. Simple, simple, simple. (simplex) Vline and Fort Knox and FAS1 safes are among the ones I like.
Define "safe" and for who is it safe?

Shadowbox picture frame carefully concealing the necessities for a rude awakening.

I don't need to be fumbling around half awake (yeah I know practice-practice-practice.) However in the heightened state of being awoke I don't care for any hindrance.

Mine is custom made, holds a small air horn for distraction, two maglights, and a 15 rd 9. just to get me 20' to the 12 neatly tucked in a hidden shelf.

Even the dude that burgled my place and got all the jewelry and several boxes of coinage walked right by them.

I need a few seconds to get my head on from a slumber, I don't need another few to get my hand on the gun. (and I hope it's never needed)( I wasn't home for the other break in)

My half cents worth.

Oh me and the better half do drills from time to time. Being awoken like that has had some mighty fine ways to find out how to go back to sleep! :D
Define "safe" and for who is it safe?
Safe to keep childrens hands off and locked in case of break in when im not home. Im not positive, but I think I could be charged if my firearm is stolen from the home if its not locked.
Right now I have a BB bat next to the bed and all my firearms are in a safe thats at the other end of the house. They are basically useless for home defense.
I personally just have a lock box with a keypad (2 codes, my wife's and mine) and a key backup that I bought at Walmart. Mostly just to keep it from curious short people. Burglaries aren't overly common in my area, and as a correctional officer I'm more concerned with someone breaking in coming after me than I am coming after my valuables. It's not the prettiest or most advanced but it does what I want it to.

Oh, and instead of a baseball bat, consider getting something like an extendable baton. I'm a softball junkie and keeping a bat sounded good until I actually tried seeing if I could use it effectively. A smaller 1 handed blunt weapon is a lot easier to use indoors.
Something like this for the shotty. Just a plain old picture frame on the wall by the bed, just a little deeper and a family photo.

You'd be correct to think I have no little ones about, but even if I did it wouldn't worry me because of the location on the wall, also it seems to be the teen+ aged ones that tend to make the news. In my book that's inadequate parenting by a gun owner. Sorry no sugarcoat from me..
Prior to working in the juvenile justice system, I would have agreed with you on the parenting thing. Some kids, though, will do stuff no matter how well they are parented.
I have a push button version issued by my agency which works great. I would be concerned about anything biometric if my iPhone is an example of cutting edge tech. I find if my finger is dirty, sweaty or the screen smudged it does not read my print. The mechanical buttons open every time when the right code is entered.
@Daffy- Not so much my daughter I worry about. We have other kids through the house as well as a sitter. Not that I think there would ever be a problem. But I subscribe to Murphys law. And in the case of a firearm the consequences for everyone involved are just to severe. When I lived alone I had one pillow for my head and one to cover my pistol.

Thanks for the link. I appreciate it. Wow, the price just killed the thought of that for me! Do your hobbies permit you to make extra and possibly sell them yourself?

Maybe I will paint daisies on my handgun so it matches my cheesy wallpaper and just hang it on the wall. I could even cerakote it. Maybe call it camo-kitchen-tactical. It would require the word tactical so other people would follow suit.

The OP stated that he wanted something to keep it away from his F1's. Typically, kids prevent people from affording something of that magnitude. Shoot, he could almost afford three of the fas1safes for that price...
Nah, Learned a lesson the first time one of my coworkers wanted an antique chair repaired to only do my own fancy stuff. I'll help ya fix yer car/tractor/lawnmower though.... Thanks for asking.

Agree though they are way over priced, depending on the wood ~ $250 in materials on the high end unless it's some exotic. Heck I used 3/4" Oak faced ply and crown molding for the box, piano hinge in the back and four lid hinges. Around a hundred in material total. We won't talk about the labor involved with my locking latch, it was one of those I can build it cheaper things... I did get two 48"X12" shelves though.