New member
I'm planning to buy a new AR15 but know very little about the current variety on offer. Which brand is considered the best for overall reliability aand accuracy?
go to you will get a lot of information you need there.

In my view, any AR that fits your need is the best. You won't get wrong with colt, bushmaster or amalite. The best AR in my definition is an AR which can provide me most fun and enjoyment. When I shoot it, I can feel its power and accuracy; when I touch it, I can feel the beauty of design for each mechanical component; when I assemble it, I can feel I can fully control over it. This is what I call the best AR.

based on my difinition, the best ar comes from your own assembling instead of a brand because I can get a lot of fun when I assemble an AR. Do you love music? A picky one would like to assemble his own audio system instead of purchasing one direct from the market. The process of assembling gives you a lot of fun which is another fun different from "listen to the music".

I will choose a bushmaster lower with two-stage trigger set, a NM upper from fulton and a leupold scope. That is my best rifle.
If you're interested in assembling an AR, Armalite sells matched Upper/Lower combos that are supposed to be hand fit.

I would have to agree that Colt, Bushmaster, and Armalite are all excellent. My only gripe is that some Colts have that odd "Big Hole" feature on their recievers which I know is a half-hearted response to liability.

Probably the biggest question you should ask is, "For what will I use this rifle?" Once that question is answered, there's more than enough variety in the AR line to suit your desires.
Okay, I'll try to give you a place to start. First, what is more important, having a rugged, reliable field weapon, or having a tack-driver that is more prone to jams and needs more maintainance?

If you want the rugged, reliable field weapon, you want two things:
1) A chrome lined barrel and chamber
2) A relatively loose chamber
The chrome lining will help protect the gun from corrosion, especially if the gun is ever taken into the field. The loose chamber will help if there is any dirt/fouling in the bore, and will help overall in dependability (especially with slightly out-of-spec ammo). Both Colt and Bushmaster have both of these on their non-competition guns.

If you want a tack-driving competition gun (or just want to occationally take it to the range/varmint shoot) then you want a non-chrome bore/lining and a tight chamber. Both of these will TEND to help with accuracy, and all of the really good match grade barrels are like this. All of Armalite's ARs used to be like this, but I hear they are changing over now. Olympic Arms has made their name with tight chamber/non-chrome guns.

So there it is. By the way, the rugged, dependable loose chamber/chrome-lined guns still shoot very well, so don't count them out when it comes to accuracy! These stock field weapons guns should come close to (or achieve) MOA with the right ammo. Whatever you decide, do it quick. The price of ARs is steadily climbing, and will prob continue to do so through the end of the year. And I apologize for adding to the Y2K buy-every-gun-paranoia!

Check our HESSE ARMS... They have some interesting arms..
50 cal ARs...
They do some fun stuff there...

I cant recomend Bushmaster - they are not responding to customers - even with faulty items - they are most disappointing read the threads at AR-15.COM
