Best AR on the market?

"Best"? I always love these 'what's the best....?' threads.

Best has no meaning whatsoever without some context. It's like asking 'what's the best car' or 'what's the best restaurant' or 'what's the best house to buy'.

Only about a million factors would change the definition of best, and therefore the answer.

As for the claims of Tracking Point, if the concept is to use sensor data fed back into the sighting system to modify sighting to compensate for expected target position at time of bullet impact, it makes total sense to me. If they've managed to actually do it and make it work, then yes I think significant hit improvement is totally possible. From a computational perspective, it's not rocket science. Oh wait, actually it is. The notion of using some sort of predictor-corrector algorithm for generating the orbit of ballistic objects is way old, and way successful. Using similar technology in a hand-held weapon sight makes sense. I was just thinking about it a few days ago in fact while walking the dogs--about a decade too late, it seems.
An un-answerable question. The AR platform is such a flexible platform with so many places to modify/change that "best" is more of a plateau rather than a peak. The use of closer tolerance, higher quality(?), better finished parts may or may not have an appreciable improvement. A "middle of the pack" AR may in some uses actually be "better" than the highest cost, most prestigious name brand.
I don't suffer from "logo ego" nor do I own any "high end" brand AR's. The ones I own do what I ask w/o issue and considering cost, maintenance, and longevity are "good enough" for my needs. Whether they are "best" is a matter of perception.
Your question has nothing to do with the article you posted. The TP is a sighting system mounted on a rifle, not necessarily an AR. Their AR is basically a nice AR used as a "carrier" for their sighting system.

The competition was a little bit cooked when they disallowed Bruce to use a range finder, and made them shoot targets with the gun poked through a wall without Bruce being able to look through his scope. Awesome technology that few will ever get to see, much lees shoot due to the cost.
The best for me is one that I put together myself. I am no gunsmith or armorer but thoroughly enjoy firing something that I built from the ground up
It is easy to get an experiment to give you the result you want. It's hard to design an experiment that actually tests a hypothesis. The "blind shot" category is pretty suspect.

Of course TP probably just wanted some positive press after the hacking news leaked:

And the after the "restructuring" that took place this year I'm very surprised that TP had a million dollars to put on the table:
