Best Ammo for Colt Python and Colt Detective Special


I am a rookie and I need a little ammo advice.

I would like to get the best ammo for these revolvers seperately.

- Colt Python .357:
- Colt Detective Special .38:

Also, I want to store an ammo that would work well with both of these guns and be flexible for either gun if I was out of a more specific ammo.

- Python and Detective Special:

Is there a particular brand that works better with the Colts?

Thanks in advance.

Although by no means new advice hear goes. The 158 gr lead hollow point +P bullet is always a prime choice for any .38/357 revolver. I happen to be of the opinion that .357 Mag ammo should be used in .357 handguns so if you use the afore mentioned ammo in the .38 Special you will be well served. Now just because a gun says magnum somewhere on it does not mean you're duty bound to wear it out with the hottest stuff you can get in the chambers. For .357 defense loads try Winchester 110 gr. hollow points. I'd say more but computer getting ready to die.
When it comes to revolvers, I don't think there's really any brand preference. They should all work reliably given the nature of the guns mechanics. I use my SW686 for home defense. Because the walls are somewhat thin where I live, I use Glaser safety slugs in them to insure against overpenatration.

My SW60 is my carry gun and I use Corbon 158gr +p .38 LHP with it, which is pretty much the hottest stuff I can find around my neck of the woods.
I would half to ask you what do you what the ammo to do. Is it for target practice, defence, or overall type ammo?

With that answered we can be more help.

Python: .357 Magnum Federal or Remington 125-grain JHP

Detective: .38 Special 158-grain LSWCHP +P (any of the big three)
I want to use the ammo for... shooting to get my accuracy up but it doesn't help me much if I use one ammo for practice and then use another for defense and the aim is off because I switched ammo, correct?

Should I use the same ammo for my practice that I am going to use for my defense?

Thanks guys for the input. This site is GREAT! It is nice to have such experienced guys freely help others. That is one thing that I have always found around hunters and sportsmen.

ammo loads for 357 mag & 38 spl

I load my own. I have a Taurus 38 spl 2" and a Ruger 357mag 4".
I use a 125 gr SJHP and load it to a "+P" load. The GP-100 Ruger is great with this load. The 38 spl does not get used much (conc carry). I seem to do better with the +P load then with the 38 spl load in the 357 mag.

I hope I did not confuse you with mu input.

Happy Hollidays

mdalby you're on the right track in thinking that maybe you should load the same kind of ammo in the guns for practice as you do for protection. With the adjustable sight revolver it's no big deal to change sight setting although it can be confusing. With the fixed sight gun the options are limited as few loads will shoot to the same point of impact. example, my S&W 49 shoots both a 150gr handload and a factory 125 gr load to the same place. Lucky for me but I had to work up that handload. Get to a reputable gun shop and get advice. Try a .38 158gr load off the bat. Good luck.