Best Ammo for .38 special


New member
I'd like to know what the best ammo would be for targeting through a Rossi 2" revolver. This is my wifes gun and it groups great with hydro-shoks but with ump or american it doesn't shoot for sh*t. What other ammo should she be using for targeting/practice? Thanks.
All you can do is try different brands and weights. Finding one that works well is art of the fun, relax!
Is UMC what you meant to type? If it is then this is relevant to your situation. I have chrono'd both manufacturers out of my snubbie 357 and my 44mag. They seem to be very hot for mass-produced factory loads. The hydo-shocks are a little more tame(according to my hand and the chrono). Looks like your gun doesn't like warm loads that much.(IMHO)
For a low-recoiling but good self-defense load, try a 110 grain NON+P load like Winchester's SilverTips or in a 125 grain NON+P load, Federal's 125 grain Nyclads.

In my S&W M442, I shoot Hornady 158 grain XTPs and Speer 158 grain TMJ +Ps....but that's ME.
For just target pratice, it's tough to beat a match quality hollow base wadcutter. Won't duplicate recoil for any self defense loads though - not much of a drawback. Use the HBWCs for target & either before or after, fire a few SD loads to maintain some proficiency in that regard.

Probably 90% of my .38 shooting is HBWCs, 9% cast 158s (which do duplicate a SD loading) & 1% actual pricey SD loads.
Sniper, the best SD load for .38 spl bar none is the +p 158gr swc-hp by Rem. or Win. and a plain 158 swc will hit about the same point of aim.
I agree with shooter1201 that the Federal 125gr. Nyclad in the standard pressure is just the thing for a defensive round, especially for your wife. It's accurate, has a low recoil, has a minimal muzzle flash, and is designed to expand even at its low velocity from the 2" barrel. Try it out and see for yourself. Later.


For defense stick with the Hydra-Shoks that work; for practice try cheap ammo in the same bullet weight until you find one that works (try Georgia Arms re-manufactured yet?).
I'm a school teacher and LEO. I qualified on my S&W M442 today, using Speer 158 grain +Ps. One word sums up the experience: OUCH!!!

I've been 'playing' with some 110 grain JHPs(it's a Remington HP) loaded by Anderson's Munitions, out of Memphis, TN. They are accurate, reliable and MUCH more pleasant to shoot, which, if using a snubbie .38, is something you should be doing a LOT of.

I recently saw Winchester's new 130 grain SXT +P load for the .38SPL. It looks 'interesting'.
For practice i like the winchester Q-load(white box) 130gr non +P,for personal defense,the cor-bon 125gr +P works for me:p