Best ammo for 10/22

Every firearm has its own individual personality, and the 10/22's have more than thier share. You could own 5 10/22's and each one would like a different type of ammo. The best thing to do is to buy a few boxes of as many different types as you can find and see which flavor yours likes. Most 10/22's will eat just about anything you feed them, but will favor a particular type for reliability and accuracy.

The only thing to keep in mind is that if you have installed a match grade barrel, these will tend to have a tighter chamber. You will find that some of the cheaper ammo isn't sized as exactly as the more expensive types. This can give you feeding problems due to the round being a little too fat for the chamber.

I won't even get into the subject of trans sonic stability of .22lr ammo. Its a long speach and I don't have my soap box with me at the moment. :)

I agree whole-heartedly with Chuck.

I will say that for decent ammo, the CCI Stingers have done me well. They are devastating on squirrels and rabbits and won't break you in the pocket.

It all depends on what you want to do with your 10/22. If you want to plink with it, find the cheapest stuff you can find. If you want to hunt, find out which groups the best and go with that. (I strongly suggest a hollow point for hunting though) I don't think you'll want to hunt with Federal Match or Eley Match Grade ammo, but to each his own.

My Ruger loves the CCI's and I've never had a jam or misfire with them.

Best of luck in whatever you choose...

[This message has been edited by The Mohican Sneak (edited September 23, 1999).]
Any CCI ammo! Stingers are great, almost magnum power. Mini Mags are great, I have NEVER had any problems with either one. :)

Happiness is a tight group!
"Copper"-coated ammo tends to foul the rifle less than exposed lead, too. CCI Mini-mags have proved most reliable for me in a variety of self-loaders. Not so with Zappers, much of promotional ammo. YMMV!
CCI is good stuff. Avoid American Eagle .22 like the plague, though. Dirty, crappy, jams all the time in my brother's 10/22 and my 22/45.
Hi I tried 10 different kinds of ammo in my 10/22. Of the inexpensive stuff Winchester SuperX was noticeably more accurate than any other that I tried.
Stingers... You need all the energy you can get out of a .22 And I have found them to be very accurate too...

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
I have tried CCI's types, Winchester,s types, Remington's types and they all perform well, but not excellent. I found that Eley, Aguila work best, but are mighty expensive. But I found that PMC scoremasters work better with tight-tight patterns. And the price per brick is only 12 dollars. PMC is available in your local gun store.
Well, the responses to this question seem to reinforce what I said in my previous post. There is not a single magic bullet. Find the ammo YOUR rifle can reliably feed and accurately fire. That will YOUR best ammo.

You may have to find a comprimise between reliability and accuracy. One type of ammo may feed great but give you groups that resemble shotgun patterns. Another type may give you groups of one ragged hole, but jam every other shot.

Don't look at this search as a waste of time and money. Half the fun is finding the answer. By the time you settle on a single type, you'll find you are much more familiar with your rifle, and have honed your skill with it.

Your lucky, I'm currently in the process of finding a NEW magic bullet for my .308. By the end of a full day at the range, I have this sharp pain that runs from my shoulder, all the way to my wallet. ;)

Have fun. Shoot Often.


[This message has been edited by chucko (edited September 29, 1999).]