Best 7.62 suppressor for x39 and x51?


New member
I want to get a can for my .308win bolt gun (Rem 700 LTR), and I want to use it on either an AK or a Sig 556xi Russian (7.62x39).

I already have an AAC M4-2000 for my ARs, so I was thinking about the AAC equivalent in .30cal (AAC 762 SDN-6).

The benefits to the SDN-6 as I see it:

- It will attach on my .223 rifles (that already have the 51-tooth mount attached) if I already have my M4-2000 mounted elsewhere. Sure, it's a .30cal can on a .223, but it still works.

- I can get fast-mount flash hiders for the Sig 556xi and for the bolt gun (once I get the barrel threaded), so it can be swapped out quickly. This is important, as I only shoot suppressed.

- It's good.

The bad:

- It's kind of heavy compared to other cans on the market. Of course, the ones I've compared it to are quite a bit more expensive...

So what are your thoughts? I've taken your (collective) advice and I have a Silencerco Octane .45 set back at the local shop with my name on it.
I have an SDN-6 and I love it. I mostly use it on 5.56, and it's great in that role. It meters a little bit louder than a dedicated 5.56 can, but you really can't tell the difference unless you're comparing them back-to-back. It's also a little bit longer and heavier than a 5.56 can, but not by that much. And there are a few advantages to running a 7.62 can instead of a 5.56 one: There's less back-pressure and you have less chance of a baffle strike due to mis-alignment.

The newer AAC 7.62 can is the SR-7, and as far as I can tell it pretty much has the same specs as the SDN-6 except for the mount. It uses their newer 90t mount which eliminates the rotational play you often get with the 51t mounts. Supposedly the SR-7 is also a little easier for AAC to work on if they need to repair it, but as far as I can tell there isn't a performance advantage over the SDN-6.

The SDN-6 is heavy because it's durable and strong; it's relatively compact for a 7.62 can, so any 7.62 can that's lighter is probably going to be less durable. The SDN-6 has a fully-welded inconel baffle stack and is rated for full-auto fire, so it's very strong and will last a while. Any 7.62 can that's noticeably lighter is probably a titanium can that won't last anywhere near as long, especially with SBR and/or lots of rapid-fire use.

The SIG 556ix in 7.62x39mm probably has a 5/8x24 thread pitch, which is standard for 30 caliber muzzle devices. But many AKs have 14x1mm LH threads, and I don't think AAC makes a 51t muzzle device in that thread pitch, so you'd need an adapter. Also, AKs usually make poor suppressor hosts; their threads are often not concentric so baffle strikes are a higher risk, and the gas system vents enough gas that they're a lot louder than other equivalent hosts.
Of course, if you're looking for a more modular design that will also fit on your 51t mounts, the Silencerco Saker 7.62 is also a great option. The Saker has baffles made of stellite, which is a little bit stronger than inconel. But the main advantage of the Saker is that it has a removable back end that can accept several different mounting options (they call it the MAAD mount). So you can use a 51t MAAD mount to mount the Saker to your AAC 51t muzzle devices, but you can also get the direct-thread mount for your bolt-action for minimum point-of-impact shift. You can also get a MAAD mount to fit the Silencerco proprietary mounts, and another to fit the YHM Y-mount. I think they have other MAAD mounds planned for future release, also.
You are the second person to recommend the Saker 762. The two cans are nearly identical in specs (size/weight), with the biggest difference being the MAAD mount for the Saker, and the additional $300 it costs over the AAC SDN-6.

I don't know if I care so much about the variable mounting options. What's so bad about using a 51T mount on a bolt-gun? Why is direct-threading a better option?
I run a single .30 caliber Wind Talker suppressor on my 7.62 NATO M14s,
my 7.62x39 AK, and my 5.56 NATO AR ... NO complaints :)

I've heard ThunderBeast being talked about on other boards. My understanding is that they are very good for precision guns, because they don't change the POI.

I think I would prefer the ability to mount the new can on one of my 5.56 rifles that currently has the 51T mount attached. The SDN-6 and the Silencerco Saker 762 fit this criteria.
jwise said:
What's so bad about using a 51T mount on a bolt-gun? Why is direct-threading a better option?
Nothing wrong with it at all, but direct-threading is usually preferred on bolt guns for less point-of-impact shift (and sometimes you also get better accuracy). And because you're not doing rapid-fire, there's less concern of a direct-thread silencer backing off under recoil and causing a baffle strike. Like MarkCO said, Thunderbeast is considered one of the best manufacturers of direct-thread silencers for precision guns.

But for semi-autos most people prefer quick-attach suppressors. Also, direct-thread suppressors specifically designed for precision shooting usually are lighter and made from less-durable materials like stainless steel and titanium; they're usually not designed for constant rapid-fire like most quick-attach inconel (or stellite) cans are.
This suppressor is going to do most of its work attached to a 10" (once I get the stamp for it) Sig 556xi Russian.

I want it rated for full-auto fire (not that I'll be firing full-auto, but I might be firing pretty quickly at some hogs!), and QD mounted.

I think I've narrowed it down to the AAC SDN-6 and the Silencerco Saker 762.

Any other .30cal cans out there that can mount on a 51T mount?
jwise said:
Any other .30cal cans out there that can mount on a 51T mount?
The only other one is the AAC 762-SD, which is an updated version of the older 18t 762-SD that was replaced by the SDN-6. It's quieter than the SDN-6 and the Saker, but it's also almost 3 inches longer.
I run a SDN-6 on 556 ARs, 300blk ARs and bolt guns and 308 bolt guns. All with 51t mounts.

I like that can A BUNCH. The 308 bolt guns are zeroed with the can on and always shot that way so POI shift doesnt matter at all

My buddy has an issued 556 can and it is not noticeably quietier.

Ive had zero issues with the 51t mount. All guns shoot the same or better groups suppressed.
I finally found both the Saker 762 and the AAC SDN-6 at a local shop! I didn't even know this shop carried suppressors. They keep them all in the back, and don't show them at all!

Well, I got to handle both, and see what the actual price would be for each. The Saker was $100 more than the AAC, but the MAAD cap for the 51T mount would cost an additional $265. Then I would have to buy the 51T mount (+$100).

The AAC SDN-6 that they had in stock was a bonus box, and actually came with one 51T mount!

That put the Saker at $465 MORE than the AAC.

I went with the AAC SDN-6. Now the wait begins....
I just found out that the promotion AAC was running through Sept. just got extended through December!

I just filled out the rebate form, and will be sending in my rebate for $200 in merchandise credit from AAC!

That made the SDN-6 $665 cheaper than the Saker!
I have an SDN-6. I use it mostly on a 556. Really has done a great job so far. With the AAC rebate program it's hard to get something else that's comparable. If you already have 51t mounts it seems like a no brainier. Is another can really so much better that losing flexibility is worth it
I just found out the barrel on the 556xiR is tapered, and therefore too thin to thread 5/8x24 if I cut it.

So, now I am stuck with a 16" barrel until Sig comes out with the aftermarket barrels. I have no idea how long this could take...