"Best" .22 Revolver for Silhouette

Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello. I know nothing of this sport, but have been asked what the "best" or most-commonly used revolver for these rimfire matches might be.

If any of you are involved in this and would offer your views, it would be greatly appreciated.

Dan Wesson Model 22 with 8" barrel installed. Find one used and it's a real bargain. As I've stated before Dan Wessons developed their small but loyal following in IHMSA matches.
Take Care
How about a taurus model 66 with a 12" barrel?

The Taurus 66 is not a 22 and not nearly as accurate as either the FA or the DW. I question wether the medium frame Taurus could hold up to hundreds or thousands of 357 Magnum Silhouette loads too.

I belive the FA 22 will be more accurate than the DW, but it's also going to cost significantly more.
A good used s&w 17 or a ruger bisley single six would be options for a tighter budget.
I have no experience with the freedom arms but from what I understand, they are the most accurate and strongest but also the most expensive. I have shot the dan wessons and they are accurate. The only problem there is the company seems to fold and re-organize alot which has some dealers learey.
" The Taurus 66 is not a 22 ......." No, the .22 LR would be the 980 and the .22 mag would be the 981. Either with 12" barrels.
