Berreta vs. CZ reliability?

ammo first

New member
I started purchasing semi autos last year, the following is a brief synopsis of my journey: 1st. Arcus 94 hi power clone: Jams several diff. ways despite adjustments, always keep clean, selling it. 2nd. Helwan 951 bought just for sh**ts and giggles, horrible gun, sold first week. 3rd. Eaa witness 45.acp see #1. 4th. IMI Jericho 9mm 200rnds.thru it seems to be working nicely, so far no malfuctions. Was wondering if others have seen similar quality problems with these guns. Also would like input on the CZ vs. Berreta question, reliability being my first priority. thanks for your patience and replies.
CZ virtually as reliable as Beretta and way more accurate for me. Also has a substantial price advantage and the bonus of hi-cap mag coming with the military 75's.
No experience with the Berreta, but I have put about 1100 round thru my CZ75B. Not one malfunction of any kind.

Have to agree with what Leapfrog says.
carried a beretta in the military. ours were beat up beyond belief but worked well.

my cz-75b now has over 21,000 rounds throught it with the only couple of malf's being bad reloads. it points much better for me, is more accurate and the control layout is much more user friendly. the big allure for me is being able to carry in single action mode. not to mention you can get one new for under 400 bucks!
Ammo first; I've had 5 or 6 Beretta's (lost count). I love 'em. Of all the thousands of rounds sent downrange I don't recall a malfunction of any kind. After awhile you take it's reliability for granted. The full size mod 92 is fairly large so you might consider the Centurion model which has a 3/4" shorter barrel. Seems just a bit handier. Beretta's come with their Brunition finish which I've found to be very durable. Hi-caps are still out there and fairly reasonable. OR, cruise the gunshops and find a used mod 92 and alot of them come with a couple of factory hi-caps already. I had a CZ85 for a short time (maybe 500rds?) and I was very impressed. Big, solid pistol and nice looking too! And I'll be damned if it wasn't more accurate than my beloved Beretta's. I think the factory hi-caps are more reasonable than the Beretta's. Side by side their reliablity is probably about the same. Good Luck, J. Parker
Over the years I have owned 3ea Berettas and 2ea CZ75Bs. All 5 were 100% reliable and the CZs were much more accurate. The 92s had very very smooth slide actions. Ball bearing smooth. Even the 92 I owned with a fitted Jarvis barrel was not as accurate as my present Cz75B boxstock.
if you are looking for the ultimate in reliability, you are looking for a berreta. both guns are on par for function,which leaves only design. the berretta has the open slide, easier for empties to exit (either jump or pulled), and moves in a straight line (less varibles in operation. you see alot of berrettas in the movies (do i hear chow young fat) because they are easier to modify for function with blanks.

having said that, i like the trigger, frame mounted thumb safety and feel of the CZ better.
I have to agree with epiphany on general principle. But, what do YOU want the gun for? Is it for carry, HD, gun games or just as a range gun? They are both DA/SA in design, yet only the Beretta provides a built-in de-cocking lever, and can be carried with the safety engaged while in DA. Then again, it cannot be carried cocked and locked for the first shot. The CZ's hammer must be manaully lowered, and the safety only operates for conditon one carry. The CZ costs less, is less bulky, 'should' be more accurate and has cheaper standard mags available. The Beretta has an undeniable panache among shooters and novices alike, and can also be had in stainless. Should you decide to ever sell it, it may return more of your initial investment.
I have one of both, although I don't have that much experience with the CZ75b yet. I have had a couple of malfunctions with it during the break-in period. The Beretta, with the exception of that cheap Egyptian crap that was on the market a few years ago, has never failed with any other ammo. I would give a slight edge in reliability to the Beretta, but do like the versatility and accuracy of the CZ.
I have both and I consider them to be the same gun! Both very reliable and accurate. Both about the same size and the same ammo capacity. Can't make a bad decision here...
ammo first, just curious but what kind jams are you having on the arcus? I have one too and had problems with the slide locking back in the middle of a mag. What was happening was I was shooting with thumbs forward like I do on my kimber, and the thumb on my support hand was brushing the slide stop making the slide lock open prematurely. I changed my grip and the problem went away. By the way I just got a cz and I like it alot.
Railroader, my arcus stovepipes, failure's to feed etc.. As a sidebar noticed in century's new ad (shotgunnews) they advertise the arcus 98 now with firing pin block safety and in double action. This excuse of it being cheap so a person should expect problems is B.S. this thing cost as much as a p 95, some witness pistols more than a makarov etc.. The manufacturer owes the customer (that pays hard earned money )a pistol that works.