Beretta vs Sig


New member
I've been reading the Ruger vs Sig forum and enjoyed it. I'm buying a Beretta 92FS and just wanted to know how you guys compare them. I personally like the looks and feel of the Beretta over the Sig. Are these two handguns equal enough if quality and value to make that the only thing that matters?
"I personally like the looks and feel of the Beretta over the Sig. " Isn't this all that matters? I personally like the looks and feel of the SIG Sauers over the Berettas.

So many pistols, so little money.
They're both quality guns -- and probably have the same potential for great accuracy.

But, straight out of the box, the SIGS (any model) are likely to be more accurate than comparable Berettas. Both will be durable.

Which way you go probably depends on your intended use. For concealed carry, the SIGS are probably a little better, being somewhat smaller than comparable Berettas. For shooting at the range, home defense, etc., the Beretta will be fine. Some will even like the larger size (and weight.)

I've had a Beretta 92 and 96, and several SIGS. I prefer the Sigs, but liked the Berettas. (I have NO Berettas now, and only one SIG -- a P-210.)

My current favorites are a CZ-75 and a Glock 17 (and, of course, the P-210.)
Hello World;
I have a Beretta 92FS. I love to shoot it.
I have a Sig 225 because the Beretta grip is
too big for my small hands. I love it.
I have a Glock 17. I love it.
I just had a chance to shoot my friend's HK P7M8. I love it too.
And I am going to get the P7M8 for myself.
I think I love it more.
So what can I say??? So many fine guns, so little time to shoot
Greetings Muleshoe; As someone else stated
in a previous forum message; "It's like
comparing a GMC Truck to a BMW". Both will
get you from point A to point B; it just
depends on how comfortable you want to be?
The Beretta 92/96 series has thick grip's
for me; the Sig's are thinner, and feel
much better. Quality and durability are
about the same. As danimal stated over
on the GUNWEB forum; "I've never met a
Sig that I did not like". :)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Message edited by Dan H. Ford on 01-07-2000
my personal preference is for the SIG/Sauer. the Beretta 92s i've tried lately have a very heavy trigger compared to the P220A (in 9mm) and P228 i own.

- both of my SIGs have a smaller grip girth.
- accuracy seems to be better than my friends 92s.
- SIGs r slightly thinner and a bit more compact.
- DA trigger feels better to me.
- SIGs just feel and point better in my hands. the 92 has a comfortable grip, just not as comforatble as the SIG/Sauer design for me.

i do have a Taurus PT99AFSD i really like (my g/f's favorite so i "can't sell it"...hehe), but it is no where near as accurate as my SIGs. with either Beretta or SIG, u'll will make a fine choice. if u like the Beretta over the SIG in feel, get it!


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like the beretta, really like my sig. acuracy sig out of box over the beretta. HOWEVER what beretta has over the sig is the fact you can still buy 2 beretta hicap mags for the price of 1 sig mag. that might be taken into consideration. either way you can't go wrong. if you prefer the looks and feel over the sig that should be enough as posted here by tecolote said to go with the beretta.
The SEALs I have spoken with at length far prefer the SIG to the Beretta for reasons of accuracy and strenght. What they REALLY like is the HK USP Compact....

I own two 92FS and I really like them. No question, these are good guns. Accuracy and reliability is by far good enough!
BUT: The biggest disadvatage is the manual safty on the slide. It's probably the only modern pistol, which has this "little extra". If you have to use the gun under pressure it can happen that you "safe" the gun by accident and you've no idea why the hell this thing is no longer shooting.
Try it on a though combat range!


[This message has been edited by Nautilus (edited January 13, 2000).]
I must be a freak or something. I've owned both Berettas and Sigs and I like the the Berettas better. No particular reason, just do.

Both guns are more accurate than most shooters and both are accurate enough to do the job.

Both are reliable.

Both are more durable than the average shooter.

It's just a matter of preference. If the Beretta suits you better go with it. BUT... I would recommend you getting the G model. It's the one with the spring loaded decocker vice the hammer drop safety. Why? Well, the human hand has a tendency to clench in a stressfull situation. The Beretta's safety levers to "on safe" are pushed downward. As Nautilus pointed out, to potential is there to "on safe" your weapon in a high stress encounter.

Just some thoghts from my feeble brain...


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Thanks for the support, Dan.
I like the Beretta better, too, even if I'm Swiss! :)
But try to get a G-Model! It's nearly impossible to find. I'm wondering if it's possible to rebuild a 92FS in a 92G??
Would be probably staff for a new topic!

I also have a 92 and it's a G at first I didn't like the Decock but when I carry conceal I like knowing that all I have to do is pull the trigger and BOOM instead of fumbling with the safety. I personnally love my berreta it's super acurate super reliable I've fired over 1000+ rounds through it with just one problem. I was futzing with a knock off mag and loosend the lips which caused the gun to stove pipe. But That was the only Jam I have ever had with it. But it is a bitch to carry concealed (but I still do) Get a berreta and you won't be unhappy

If your looking for G go here

I got my g-elite for 550