Beretta Vs HCI Status Update....The Saga Continues

El Jefe

New member
The Original post...Want to Piss off HCI?
Second post: Want to Piss off HCI...The Second coming..

A bit long but bear with me....

Well at the risk of exposing myself to those who may be watching this site to ascertain who I really am, I feel that my TFL Bretheren who assisted me in this matter deserve to know what is happening on the Beretta Vs HCI issue. Rest assured that I have not been Lax in my duties. Unfortunately Ms Marayanne Albert received the brunt of my Ire with this whole situation. Here is the Exchange that I had with Beretta USA......

----- Original Message -----
To: Maryanne
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 1999 3:32 PM
Subject: A personal request...

Ms. Albert,
I have written on a couple of occasions and I have called the Beretta Legal Dept. on several occasions. I am becoming quite disgruntled with a Beretta. As I have stated in the past I am a
LONG TIME Beretta owner, I have three currently and I am about to purchase a fourth, A Beretta INOX in either 9mm or 40 S&W. The Only Hand Gun that I have had longer is (was) my Colt King Cobra .357 Magnum, but due to some very bad decisions by Colt in recent weeks I off loaded it and it should be molten slag by now. I can only hope that Colts loss is your gain. I have long been a staunch Beretta advocate and have given you the utmost in product loyalty. So with that said I do not feel that I am out of line when I ask you to give me some feedback on what is in the works to MAKE HCI Remove the Beretta 92/96FS off of it's website?? I have read the standard blurb on your website and I was even sent that same blurb as part of a group e-mailing. It was fine back in September but what is happening now?? As a Beretta Owner (3x's over) I believe I have a right to know. Is there ANYTHING that Beretta CAN do?? Do fair use laws give them the right to use your unmistakable product while you have to sit by and watch idly? I find it odd that HCI had to pay Beretta in it's last legal battle and then uses a Beretta as a Poster child for Gun control! Tell me there isn't some Malice with intent in there somewhere? I am already demonized as a Gun owner I do not need to be further demonized because I own "the kids weapon of choice " for school disagreements that is. Is there anything you can tell me that I can pass to my fellow Beretta owners other that the company line currently posted on your website?? I would appreciate some feedback, Thank you in advance...
Take Care and God Bless

Her Response.... ;)
I have forwarded your email to Jeff Reh, our Attorney.


My reply... :)
I have left him a phone message on at least two occasions, Hopefully this e-mail gets a higher priority and I will get a response. As you were or are part of the leadership forum I was rather hoping that you had something, you have been very good at responding to concerned consumers. I can appreciate leaving the legal questions to the lawyers, however in case you haven't noticed the natives grow more restless with each passing day. I see it on site after site. Again I look forward to Mr. Rehs response and thank you for all of your assistance to date. Take Care and God Bless

After 2 weeks of no response I sent this message........ :(

As I suspected Your Mr. Reh apparently gave little credence to my e-mail and chose, as I suspected he would, to completely disregard me and my questions. That is the trouble with large Corporations, you want me to buy your product and with regard to anything else concerning your company ...Butt out. I don't believe that these were part of any of the founding principles of Beretta when the company was first started and I find it unsettling that your company treats it's loyal customers with such disdain. I do not see my request as unreasonable. I have been very loyal too, and have purchased products from on 4 occasions now, no small fortune I might add ( two Beretta model 92f's, one 96f and one 84) My next purchase will be the match grade compensated barrels (conversions) for my 92's ( near future I hope). Having said that I believe that a Quality Company such as Beretta could take some time to explain the how's and the whys of HCI's continued usage of your 92/96FS as it's poster Child. Even if you have to say there is nothing within the law that can prevent HCI from using your Handgun as it's Poster Child for Gun control.
I have called on several occasions, left messages, e-mailed and all to no avail. All at my personal expense, another small fortune. As a 19 year veteran of the US military I can ill afford to spend money frivolously, especially with 4 mouths to feed. A little due consideration was all I asked. I will incur yet one more small debt as I Fax a copy of all of previous e-mails and their responses or non-responses as the case may be to Beretta international headquarters. Fortunately or unfortunately Mr. Reh's Name and yours will be mentioned prominently in the Cover letter.
If you want to be a leader you must do so from the front not from the rear, your leadership forum would imply that you are part of the leadership at Beretta, And at the risk of sounding disparaging or sarcastic I believe that it is time someone there moved up to the front ranks and takes charge of this situation.
Beretta is A quality Company with a great reputation for excellent craftsmanship and product reliability. I do not believe that my loyalties are misplaced but I do believe that a company is only as good as the people it employs and I take exception to this brush off.
Take Care and God Bless,

I then Sent the following FAX to Beretta international ( In Italy ) ;)

Dear Beretta.
Before I get into the gist of this letter let me start out by saying that I have enjoyed shooting Berettas for 15 years now. I have been a Beretta Owner formore than 10 years now , ( My first purchase was a Beretta 92fs, and I have purchased another 92 a 96fs and a model 84 since) When Finances Permit I plan
on purchasing your compensated match grade conversions for my model 92's. It is as a Loyal and Concerned Beretta Customer that I write you today. Early in September I discovered that Hand Gun Control Inc. was using your model 92/96 F as it's Poster Child for gun control on it's website. I could not believe my eyes. I sent e-mails and called Beretta USA in Maryland. I discovered that they did not know about it and would look into it. Shortly there afterwards they were inundated with phone calls and e-mails of other concerned consumers expressing their disgust that HCI was using your highly distinguishable Beretta handgun as it's poster Child for Gun Control an even implying that it was the weapon of choice for kids to settle scores at school. It is with regard to my inquiries to Beretta USA that I write this Letter. I did receive as part of a mass E-mailing a response to my initial e-mail. It read identical to the banner now currently posted on your Beretta USA website. As a Beretta owner I felt duty bound to follow up and follow through all attempts at doing so have been Largely ignored or passed off and then ignored. I have e-mailed Ms. Maryanne Albert at Beretta USA and I have called Mr. Jeff Reh on a couple of occasions trying
to ascertain just what if anything Beretta plans on doing about HCI's misuse of your famous ( Soon to be Infamous if this lunacy isn't stopped)handgun. All of which was to no avail, messages were left unreturned and e-mails left largely unanswered or passed off, and then unanswered. I am very disconcerted at the treatment I have received from A company that I have
shown a strong product loyalty to for well over 10 years now. I am of Moderate income and could purchase any number of lesser quality handguns over the years however I have chosen to save my pennies and purchase only Berettas, I have even convinced friends and family that Beretta is the only way to go. Why because Beretta is an outstanding company with a reputation for quality craftsmanship and the highest degree of product reliability. Beretta is a forward thinking company with a quality product.
Who am I?? Just an average American consumer who has placed ( hopefully not misplaced ) his Product loyalty in a Quality Company. I am an American Military Service member of over 19 years and I understand what leadership is and what it means. I understand that in the grand scheme of things I may not
be all that important. However I also know that there are thousands of Beretta consumers out there that would like to know What is Beretta doing about HCI's Misuse of it's highly recognizable pistol as it's poster child for Gun Control? Can Beretta force HCI to remove the image of the 92 F off of it's website?
Secondly why is it that the consumer, namely me at the moment, treated with such disregard when it comes to issues such as these? I believe that Professionalism is paramount in all that we do. I must say that I am astounded at the lack of it or at least the perception thereof of some of the individuals currently in the
employ of Beretta (USA). If you deem it necessary I can provide at least some of the e-mails and their responses, or the lack thereof.
Any Insight that you can give me to what Beretta is currently doing, if anything to kick HCI in the butt and make them remove my favorite Handgun and My weapon of Choice from it's website would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and trouble Good Day and God Bless,

Suddenly Beretta USA woke up and here is their Tepid response..... :(

Sent Wed 11-10-99
Maryanne Albert in our marketing department has forwarded to me your additional inquiry (emphasis mine, ElJefe) concerning Beretta's opposition to Handgun Control, Inc.'s use of the image of a Beretta Model 92 pistol on its website. Beretta is currently engaged in discussions with the legal staff at HCI concerning this issue and is taking steps to ensure that a wrongful impression that Beretta supports the objectives of HCI not be conveyed to the public by HCI's misappropriation of our product image. We appreciate your expressions of interest in this issue and we will take into account the interest of our supporters as our actions with respect to HCI go forward.

Jeffrey K. Reh
General Counsel

Whew... For those of you who bore with me through all that Thank you :) :) Don't get me wrong, I Love My Beretta's and I meant what I said about the Company, However I do not believe that a company should feel that it has gotten so big that it no longer has a duty to answer to the consumer at large. I do find it unfortunate that it took a harsh follow up e-mail and a FAX to the Parent company to invoke a response. I pray that this has further motivated Beretta USA to step up it's efforts. Thought that you all deserved to know!! Take Care and God Bless
El Jefe

[This message has been edited by El Jefe (edited November 11, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by El Jefe (edited November 11, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by El Jefe (edited November 11, 1999).]
El Jefe,


And thanks mucho for the follow-up. :)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Way to go El Jefe, but Beretta USA sounds as if it is manned (personed?) by lily livered, scum sucking, yellow bellied G** D***ed cowards and fools.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
As I am sure all of you know the legal system takes it's sweet time, dragging things out over long periods. HCI will continue the rub right until the last minute. I was both encouraged and discouraged by the last response. Encouraged...Because Beretta is breaking new ground for gun manufacturers....The Illicit use of a highly recognizable product to further it's (HCI's) Anti-gun agenda. Beretta IS going through the Legal hoops and is juxtapositioning so as to get the best shot (pardon the pun). I understand it takes time, still pisses me of though. I was getting bent because I couldn't get any answers, and had to go to extremes to get some. Discouraged....Because it is taking so long and it took so long to get answers. Maybe it is time for another barrage of phone calls and e-mails to help get this train moving again.... :) :)
El Jefe
Great job, El Jefe. Can you use your magic on Levis? ;)

I engaged in the e-mail/phone/snail mail war with K-Mart. It was a frustrating, fruitless fight. Good old Rosie is still in there flogging for K-Mart x-mas sales and my 2nd Mossberg 500 12 ga. and 1st 10-22 are going to cost me more than they should because I will not buy anything from K-Mart and have even one penny of my money go to that pig (not a reference to her size, I too am large) Rosie.
Before everyone gets in an uproar, bear in mind that Beretta is taking it on the chin from the current crop of law suits against gun manufacturers. Additionally, they are fighting the smart gun technology being pushed by the despot masquerading as govenor in Maryland and thus far, they have not openly conceded to any sort of compromise with the lawyers representing the plantiffs in actions mentioned above. Their plate is full right now and if they don't get back to you with lightening speed, stay calm. The individuals running Beretta USA do have guts-----much more than say Paul Januuzo of Glock who met with the gun grabbers in the white house earlier this year, or say Colt's manufacturing or even Browning.

El Jefe, don't give up on Beretta yet. They have been fighting in court since the early days when S&W and H&K sued them during the M9 testing trials for no other reason than sour grapes. They have been put through the ringer, truth be known and are still in our corner.

Nevertheless, thanks for your effort and for taking the time to get back with us here on TFL. You may also notice that an M9 effigy is used on the "No Firearms" signs displayed on the doors and windows of many private and governmental entities. Fighting this might be next to impossible.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."

PLEASE No one misconstrue my post. I am a Loyal Beretta Firearms owner. I enjoy the product, I wouldn't trade any of mine. It is in that vein that I take Beretta to task. I fully Understand where Beretta has been, where they are going and what they stand for. I have nothing BUT respect for Outstanding Company. Due to Fair use laws I admit that Beretta may have it's hands full with this one. There may very well be nothing that they can do, On the other hand however this is a Unique opportunity. this could set some new precedents if handled properly. Give Up on Beretta Not on your life, Ask them to defend a product that I literally Stake my Life on...You bet! ;) Take a minute to run through the original post if you havn't already....It may help you to understand what started all of this! God Bless, El Jefe
El Jefe:
I too love Berettas and have owned Sigs,Glocks,CZ variants,Maks and 1911 variants and still go back to Beretta regardless of what anyone around me dishes out to me about the slide cracks or rusting barrels. One of the gentlemen who responed to your post stated a postion to the effect that the leaders at Beretta USA must not have any fortitude. My reply would have been better understood if it had been directly posted to him. I know where you are coming from and again laud your persistence.

I would wager a bet on tonight's dinner that you are like me and don't mind a large handgun. I firmly believe that whoever would have succeeded the 1911 A1 contract with Uncle Sam would have been the brunt of much malcontent due to old slabsides well deserved prominence in history. It never ceases to amaze me how owners of other makes of sidearms routinely go through parts replacements at the 2K,5K and 7K round mark when the mean failure rate for an M9 is around the 21K mark, yet these induviduals insist on crtiticizing the M9.

If you have'nt already, go to and review the armorer's notes. We are on the same page and God Bless you and yours and thank you for your service to our country.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Will Beararms,
I have tried many and I too return to my first love regardless of the disparaging remarks tossed my way. I have medium sized hands and my Beretta feels very comfortable in them. So you would have won dinner. Having watched many a M9 flawlessly throw thousands of rounds down range I can tell you that regardless of the what some might say the M9 won because it was the superior weapon. The .45 had it's day, and it was an armorers nightmare with the amount of failures and repairs that each required. Give me an M9 anyday! Been to that site and even downloaded and printed the armorers notes. Great stuff! Thanks for the recognition on this day especially! God bless, El Jefe
Seriously folks, I got a little off topic, I know that Beretta has a lot on it's plate but that is why they have lawyers on retainer! I don't appreciate being demonized further because now I own the childs weapon of choice to settle playground arguements...That seriously has to go it needs to be removed!!

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.
---James Madison,The Federalist Papers, No. 46

... "The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are constitutional rights secure." Albert Einstein

... "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."Ronald Reagan
Take care and God Bless, El Jefe

[This message has been edited by El Jefe (edited November 17, 1999).]
Well done. I've sent some strongly critical letters to companies to try to get them to change their stance before, most recently Levi's. (My tack was that they seem to be forgetting their roots and the people who first supported them...) I've never had quite such a place to stand as you do-- Beretta is basically receiving character assasanation, and is doing little to resolve the issue. All you are doing is trying to kick their butt into gear, doing what they honestly SHOULD do of their own self-interest, anyway. While you're at it, you'll cause HCI some headaches and lawyer fees.

Very, very cool.

Keep it up, E.J.!

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
