Beretta VS everybody!

Josh D

New member
OK, I have to say this. I can't stand it any longer. Everyone is always crying about how Beretta pistols break locking blocks. Their grip screws rust. Their barrels rust. Their frames aren't durable. They have a bad finish. The slides crack.

Complaints about Sig- I hear their frames aren't very good, but no one ever talks about it.

Glock- have been known to blow up, but once again, no talking about it.

1911- needs gunsmithing (some models) but no one ever says anything.

Why is everyone so happy to slam Beretta? Is it just jealously, or are they really that bad? Or are there so many failures experienced because there are so many of them that are used like an AK-47?

BTW- I'm a Beretta owner, and it bothers me. Oh, I never had a failure either.

Don't turn around, uh oh oh, der kommisar is in town, uh oh oh!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>but no one ever talks about it.[/quote]

ummmmm dude?

If no one ever talks about it, then how did you find out about it? I have heard PLENTY about Glock 23's and their KB's. Endless threads about Sig's cracked frames. And is there really a 1911 that *doesn’t* come hand fitted custom machined from some little dinky shop to work right?

It seems that's all I EVER hear.

Take a chill pill duder, nothings perfect. Be happy with your meatball thrower (Italian made Beretta's) and thank your lucky stars you don't have one of theses *awful* (sarcasm) gun's like a Sig or Glock.

-Frank the Spank
Yes, they talk about it, but there are 3-4X as many complaints about Berettas.

BTW- are you a surfer or something?

dude, duder? WTF?

sorry, but I'm a southern boy
Josh D.,

You wouldn't happen to have gone by the name "TEC 9" on this forum before?

BTW I think BERETTA makes a good service pistol. I have used the M9 many times, with very little complaints.

In hindsight we have been down this road before, last time I think it was the complaints about glock bashing.

Remember this is an open forum, and people will voice there experiences/opinions respectfully without having to worry about offending others. It is not the intention of others to offend on the TFL, so please don't take the posts personally...

Best of luck.


There seems to be quite a bit of bitching about every handgun or pistol commonly used today. I don't see where Beretta's are bashed any more heavily than Glocks, Sigs or HKs.

Beretta was getting much more bad press (Deservedly so) back around the time the M-9 was adopted by the U.S. Armed Forces, but I can't recall seeing any significant bashing lately.

The Beretta has design flaws such as its exposed trigger transfer bar, and some questionable machining in the slide. So what! I can think of design flaws in every other make too:

Glock's occasional kabooms

Sig's occasional cracking.

1911's apparent incessant need for customization or significant $$ for factory custom.

HK's--well what does it matter, Colt's going to destroy them now!!

Don't worry about it. If you are comfortable about it, that's all that matters. By the way, I'm impressed--you are one of the few Beretta owners who actually spells their name right. :)
Search the archives and you'll read plenty of gripes as well as praises about many defense tools. We all have our favorites and pistols that we don't care for, what would be the point of a board if we couldn't exchange ideas? If you like your Beretta that's great. Buy more and shoot them often. The important thing is that YOU like them and that they're reliable for you.

So many pistols, so little money.
Now see, if everyone had a walther,you wouldn't have anything to b!tch about!!! ;)

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!

Now, go do the right thing, and buy that Walther!!
Nope, never gone by another name on this or any other board, and if I had a Tec, I would sell it to buy more 9mm or 5.56.

I suppose it seems to ME that there is an overwhelming amount of complaining about the 92 because everyone is doing the Beretta-VS-Superpistol argument. This is fine, but everyone gripes about the 92 like it is their career. That doesn't bother me, but I guess that there is just more written gripes about it because it is brought up so often.

Hey, I guess I answered my own question.

BTW- DesertRat, do you own a Baretta? He he, just kidding, I mean Beretta. I notice that a lot, too.

Don't turn around, uh oh oh, der kommisar is in town, uh oh oh!
did I ever tell you guys about the way my Walther .32 feeds hollowpoints?


Oh, yeah, that's because it doesn't. ;)

Seriously, Josh, I don't think there is a single pistol that someone hasn't bitched about in one way or another, even right here on TFL. Use the Search function and I think you'll be able to dig up complaints on every make, especially Glocks and 1911s.

Here's my major complaint list:

1911 types: Not reliable unless you invest $$$.

Berettas: Too heavy. Overpriced.

HKs: too overrated for reliability, I've seen too many of the P7's fail. USP's are nice, but pricey.

Rugers: Too Bulky. Too heavy.

Sigs: Surface Rust. Need too much maintenance for my lazy ***.

Glocks: Too hard defending them from the people who mistakenly think there is anything wrong with them. oh, yeah, and the way they make the owner lazy about cleaning his guns that actually need to be cleaned regularly (like Sig's).

S&W's: Bad Triggers. Barrel too high over hand (Add that last part to the complaint about Sig's too!)

Walthers: See top of post, I was only sorta kidding.

Revolvers: I like revolvers. Except for that pesky 5 or 6 round limitation thing and that part where it takes like 2 or 3 times as long to reload them.

EAA Witness: Friends will snicker behind your back if you carry one of these. Other than that, they are pretty nice, inexpensive guns.

Tec-9: I used to think that the "Streetcorner Drug Dealer" stigma would never leave this gun... silly me... but I don't think "Schoolyard Terrorist" is much of an improvement.

Desert Eagles: Kinda impractical, except in the movies. I swear, I think that they must hollow out the prop DEs, have you seen some of the tiny little chicks they have swinging those things around like they were Ruger Mk II's?? Maybe those are some alloy frame prototypes I haven't heard about....

Han Solo's Blaster: I don't like the retro styling.

So, Josh, you see, even from a guy like me who strives constantly to find the good, there are complaints about all pistols. :)

Some folks have accused me of being opinionated. Who me? nahhh! I just speak the truth. :rolleyes:
The only fault I've ever found with the Barettas is that they are just to big and bulky for my tastes. Otherwise, I think they're fine guns.
I think the reality of the situation is that gun owners tend to a)love their own firearms; and b)love to kibbitz about all others - even when they have no clue.

Case in point, the guy who tried to explain to me that the Beretta Cougar had bad ergonomics because the barrel and slide are set to high above the hand creating an exagerated muzzle flip. He then went on to explain that Cougars were also bad because the slide was set so low that very first time he racked the slide on one he cut his hand wide open with it. Now lets face it, either critism could be true but not both at the same time. . .

Here is my own humble opinion - guns such as berettas, glocks, HKs and Sigs are of such a quality that the only thing the truely sets them appart (on the whole) is individual preference. Me, I got a big hand and love pistols such as the Cougar and Ruger's P series because they fit me well. The same factor that makes me like them causes my best friend to hate them because he has small hands.

That being said, I dont think that beretta gets anymore unfair critism then the rest. I just think that most of the critism of most modern semi-autos is exagerated for effect. But thats just my opinion.

"If a man neglects to enforce his rights, he cannot complain if, after a while, the law follows his example. . ." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
I don't think there is a pistol out there without a major problem. Too big, bad ergonomics, bad trigger, too fragile parts, etc. We are still a few years from seeing a really great pistol. Right now all pistols are compromises...
I'm a Beretta owner and I can spell my name!
And none of my Berettas shoot meatballs either.A good meatball is a terrible thing to waste.
Now on to serious things, There isn't a piece of machinery,equipment or whatever that is man made and designed that does not or will not have some type of design fault or function flaw. Somebody somewhere will find a
problem with any given item. My father once owned a Chevy van, because that van would not idle properly when cold,all GM products were junk. I believe he could have found every and any flaw in every vehicle he ever owned.This screw wasn't turned right or look how this is,He should have worked in Quality control.
I on the other hand take it for what its worth. There isn't a handgun I ever fired that I didn't like. Some better than others.
each for their own specific characteristics.
If there is a problem I just take care of it and that is the end of the story. I guess I must be easy. I take good care of everything I own and if it becomes a constant problem I get rid of it.
For what its worth

Happy Shooting :)

Help Stamp Out Gun Ignorance.

[This message has been edited by loknload (edited January 09, 2000).]