Beretta v. HCI, continued


Staff Alumnus
The thread in L/P was getting a tad unwieldy, so I took it upon myself to start this dustup anew.

Note: the following is parody/satire. TFLers already know this; this disclaimer is for the benefit of the humorless zeebs we know are lurking in the shadows. Learn to laugh, folks, and you'll live much better lives.
WASHINGTON DC (Reuters): In a bizarre incident, the national headquarters of Handgun Control Inc (HCI) was invaded today by a pack of rabid pit-bulls and Rottweilers wearing three-piece suits and carrying briefcases.

A visibly upset Sarah Brady, HCI's national chair, accused the National Rifle Association (NRA) of instigating the attack, citing an ongoing dispute between HCI and Beretta USA. Brady declined to elaborate on the dispute, except to state "Beretta and the NRA think they can get away with trampling on the First Amendment. Well, they've got another think coming!"

Beretta's head counsel replied to Brady's charges by saying, "Rarf! Grrr snarl RUFF RUFF RUFF," which was translated by the Wash. DC branch of the SPCA as, "If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch!"

Three of the dogs were taken to a local vet, exhibiting symptoms of fecal poisoning. The vet, John Browning, said, "These poor critters just didn't know how much crap they'd be ingesting when they tore into HCI's staff." All of the dogs are expected to survive.

"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper