Beretta S/A 92, 96 & 98 Combat Competition Pistols

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New member
I'm particularly interested in their single action 9mm (92). Anyone know how much they cost? how good is the trigger? how do they shoot? Thanks for the help. Regards, Dennis
Beretta doesn't make a SA in that series that I know of. The only SA that they make is the one that I own... Jetfire 950.

If you want a 9mm, then I recommend the 92 Brigadier or the 96 Brig if you want a .40. The Brigs have a heavier slide which may add to their durability and steadiness along with less felt recoil.

I need to be careful of what I say around here, or else JR1 may jump down my throat. :)

Actually, Beretta does make a single-action version of the 92 (note Beretta USA does NOT, so the gun actually comes from Italy).

It is the 92 Combat. It comes with a single-action trigger plus some other competition-type mods. Very expensive.

The 92 Stock model (note, not stock 92, a 92 "Stock" model) is very similar to the 92 Combat, except it has a CZ-75 or Taurus-like safety that allows DA or cocked-and-locked. This one is also from Italy and is somewhat less expensive at about $1,000-1,500.

Hope that helps.


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
You're right,
I should have looked at their website before I answered. I don't think I'd pay the price that you suggested though. Why would they call it a "Combat?" I wouldn't want to bother cocking the hammer or racking the slide in a combat situation.
It must have a Cocked & Locked mode.

Keep us up to date as to what you get.

>It is the 92 Combat. It comes with a >single-action trigger plus some other >competition-type mods. Very expensive.

I have a friend who is a certified Beretta Armorer who said that any 92/96 series gun can be made for SA by removing an internal part, I think the sear. (the safety is then only a safety and not a decocker and the gun can be carried cocked and locked) He also said that the US Navy SEALS purchased 1,800 92 Brigs built in this spec last year or early this year (I can't remember which).

He said that Beretta will most likely not sell or do this for non-competition guns though. (I guess they figure liability reasons after getting sued, even though they won that case).


The mod that you wrote about is certainly possible, but not recommended for mere mortals like me.

The single-action US military Berettas were not modified. They are Italian-made single-action Berettas that I described (with frame-mounted safety rather than a slide-mounted decocker/safety).

I could be wrong, though.


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
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