Beretta question


I recently bought a Beretta 96FS semi-auto in .40 S&W caliber for home protection. My question involves the accuracy of this particular weapon. The Beretta uses a "revolving barrel" system to keep the slide movement to a minimum. With the slide locked fully retracted, the floating barrel is extremely loose and even with the slide forward and the receiver locked, I still notice that the barrel is not what I would call solid since it still will move side to side a bit. Since the sights are made integral to the slide and I have this small amount of barrel movement with the receiver locked, could I be having accuracy problems?

I am far from being a marksman with a handgun but I have been able to hit reasonably close to an aiming point at 50 ft. with a conventional revolver. My accuracy with the 96FS seems far worse. This semi-auto is still new to me and admitedly I have not had enough practice with it to make the previous statement about accuracy a statement of fact.

Could it be I am not shooting where I am aiming or not aiming where I'm shooting? :-)

Any replies appreciated,
JimP; I have a Beretta Centurion in 9mm. Yes, the barrel has alot of play when the slide is back. The barrel has just slight play when the slide is forward. You might want to try this; Set up a silhouette at seven yards and aim at the X (central chest area). Five to seven yards is more realistic for a home defense situation. Good Luck, J. Parker
My Beretta Cougar 8040 has he same set up and it is accurate as all heck.
Hi Jim, welcome to the forum. I've been collecting Beretta products for many years now. What you describe is normal and I think you'll find the 96 is surprisingly accurate once you become accustomed to it. I have a target you can print out and it should help you determine what errors you may be making and help you correct them. Email me if you'd like it.
