Beretta Pistols??


New member
Why is there such a scarcity of comment on this board and other gun sites concerning Beretta pistols such as the 92 and 96 models. Are these pistols just not popular or is it because they just work and further comment or question is unnecessary? As a new 96 buyer, just wondering why I don't see much comment on them. Stubby
Isn't the Beretta 96 a 40S&W model? I could be wrong so don't laugh if I am!
A pistol is a very personal choice. I carried a Beretta M9 for four years in the Coast Guard and I have been carrying a Beretta .40 for the last 3 years in the Border Patrol, but personaly I don't like them. In 7 yrs I have not had any reliability problems with them, but I remember some of the Coast Guard Gunners Mates compaining about problems with cracked slides. I mostly just don't like the way the gun feels in my hand. I shoot OK with them, but it feels like I have to overcome the guns fit in my hand and the very long trigger pull.
I got one.

Not much to say. An inox model 96 was my first gun, and it's still my favorite to shoot. Those rubber grips are comfy.
My department issues the Beretta. I started with the State Police in 1995, at that time they issued the Beretta 92. We switched to the 96 in 1998. I carried a Sig 226 for five years before that. In my experience and most on my department is that they are very reliable and accurate. The finish on our 96's leaves something to be desired. The finish is not the same as the civilian off the shelf finish. I like the Beretta, but it would not be my first choice if I were given a choice. There is nothing wrong with the gun and I am sure you will be happy with it. I have heard that the Bereta Elites are a step above the 92 and 96 series.
Beretta 96D Centurion

I like mine! They aren't new and fashionable like other brands (glocks). And they aren't so old that they are 'old time classics' either (1911 and HiPowers).
stubby; I've owned several Beretta's over the years. Of the thousands of rounds I've shot through them I don't recall one malfunction of anykind. My Beretta Centurion is stone cold reliable, packable (for my purposes) at 32ozs., durable (Brunition finish), moderately priced ($449.00) and one of the nicest looking pistols on the market today. I had a Mod 96 for a short time. I was a trading fool at the time so I traded it for who knows what. I might have put 500 rounds through it without a hiccup. More than one gun expert has stated that the Beretta mod 92 design is probably the most relible pistol ever made. I like Beretta pistols ALOT! Just my thoughts, J. Parker
Beretta 92 is a fine pistol. Extremely reliable - in fact I have never seen one malfunction.

There are several reasons why not much is said about them, I believe, and some of them are:
-- they work and dont require a lot of repair work
-- they aren't as often customized (as opposed to 1911)
-- they aren't as controversial (as opposed to Glock)
-- their popularity decreased because of the 10 round mag limit.
-- Not old enough to really be a "classic"
-- Too big to carry concealed very well - one less thing to talk about.
PreserveFreedom, yes the 96 is a .40cal.

i have 2 berettas a 92FS and a 92G Elite. i love them both and feel they are great firearms.

there isn't that much to talk about with berettas as much as there is with 1911s or glocks.

if you ever have a question about berettas feel free to ask it, there are probably a bunch of beretta owners on this site that would be happy to answer any questions.
join the forum!!!

Hey stubby, if you really want to talk about berettas definately join the aforementioned lists. We love to talk about berettas! See you there!
stubby my 92FS is by far my most acurate and enjoyable autopistol.It also has to be one of the alltime best looking guns ever.
That's what I thought. Well, seeing as you got one in 40S&W, I think you will be very satisfied. My Beretta of choice is my Cougar 8040. :)
Beretta 92

I have a Beretta 92 I bought about 3 months ago. My brother and I have put 2000 rounds through this gun.Not a single jam or any kind of reliability issues. Mine is an older Italian made model and has a very smooth trigger pull in both double and single action modes. Thats why the double action doesn't seem so long to me. Anyway they are very good pistols. The grip is big for some but I have big hands so it's fine to me. Finally they are to big to use for CCW.You can with the right holster carry it if you really want to. It depends on your body type. My brother has CCW my Beretta many times,the catch you ask? He is 150lbs and buys an XL button down shirt. He uses a galco inside the waist band holster. He could probably carry a Dessert Eagle!
Anyway hope this helps you out. Any other questions feel free to e mail me.
I've had a 96 for four years now. I bought a Dillon RL 550 soon after I got the Beretta. I think I'll wear the reloader out long before I see a malfunction of my '96. Excellent choice if you ask me. I still admire the 1911, and the Glock, but I depend upon the Beretta with my life, and my son's life. I have shot my brother's Glock, and though it is just as reliable IMO, I'm not nearly as accurate with it as the B. I have never fired a 1911, so I'm not qualified to comment.
Your B. isn't a flashy racegun, it is what it is. It is designed to be reliable and accurate. If I'm not within easy reach of my Mak, then my B. is close at hand. You can bet your life on that gun.
And more things I like about Berettas are, they are very strong pro gun rights folks and they thumbed their nose at the democratic gun nazi's. No compromise there. That is one ofd the main reasons I support them with my business.
Berettas ROCK!

I own two Berettas. A 92 and 96 both full size. I carry both but lately I seem to carry the 96 alot more than the 92, and shoot the 92 more than the 96. I love them both and have approximately 7,000 rounds through each without a problem. The lightest recoiling pistol out there. I perfer a full size pistol for handeling characteristics although with little effort the Beretta frame conceals well. You just have to know what you are doing. (Most people go with the path of least resistance and choose a pistol for its size not handeling characteristics.) :( Most all Federal Law Enforcement authorizes Berettas including FBI, DEA, USMS (they authorize just about anything) INS, USCS, USPS, EPA and I believe the DOE. Feds know the deal and when they need a piece of equipment that works, they dont let budget stand in their way. ($100 toilet seats speak for itself!! :) )

I think the guy with the PHD, Dr.45 comprised it best. Way to go DOC! There really isnt much to say other than that they WORK, and WORK WELL!! IMO they are THE most reliable auto pistol design around. Beretta also has excellent customer service as well. You are not the only one who has brought up that "The Firing Line" lacks Beretta fans. This of course is untrue as we are here :) but not many of us post about our favorite piece of "italian steel" not because lack of interest but lack of conversation/contraversy. That alone should tell you Berettas are the very BEST out there.
P.S. Russel92, Darryl "Darkstar", and Berettaelite as well as myself are hardcore Beretta fans. :D
I, too, have a Beretta 92. Only mine is likely quite a bit different than those owned by others here...

Mine is a STRAIGHT 92, made for the South African government by Beretta in the 1970s, as far as I can determine.

The safety is on the frame in the manner of the 1911, and works just like that of the 1911, up for safe on, down for safe off. I could, if I so desired, carry it C&L, or hammer down & locked.

There is no decocker.

There is no firing pin block.

The magazine release is on the bottom left of the grip, the same location as on the Brigadier (M1951) Beretta. Obviously, because of that, the magazines are different.

I got mine from the shop where I worked, with 5 high-cap. magazines, for $250 or so. Yep, it's good to work for the boss. (G!)

It's reliable as hell, it's accurate, the trigger isn't bad, and it's never bobbled even when shooting hollow point ammo.

But, it just doesn't do much for me at all. It doesn't reach out to my soul like my S&W revolvers do, nor does it pique my interest as a masterpiece of engineering as my P7M13 does.

In that sense I think it's like the family station wagon or minivan. It's always going to be there for you, it's just not going to make a splash while doing it.

I normally use mine as my nightstand gun with 2 mags of Hydrashok ammo.