Beretta or sig?

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I have been doing alot of shopping to find out which gun would be the better buy. A beretta 96fs .40cal or a Sig pro 2340?

I understand the beretta frame,barrel and slide has not been upgraded from the 9mm to the 40cal causing problems with jamming. I have spoke with police officers who have carried this gun and didnt like its reliability in the 40 cal round !

It seems the ramp to the chamber has been unchanged thus, making the larger 40cal round jam up in the 9mm frame. Also the barrel has not been upgraded but instead simply bored over to fit the larger 40.

I have heard nothing but great things about the Sig's and i like the feel and quality of the gun. I dont like the price but im willing to pay for a gun that will be my full time carry piece. I do however favor the beretta's large frame and availibility in stainless. At this point if i was to buy the beretta it would be in 9mm only. i have tested the .40 cal (which i favor over the smaller 9mm) and sure enough both of the guns i tested jammed frequently.(with several diffrent makes of ammo) Of these 2 firearms which would you prefer? If paying extra for the Sig means i can get the .40 cal round in a high quality weapon i am willing to do so. although i favor the beretta for its price and finish.

Any info is greatly respected and appriciated.

TIM : )
Get a Glock. Beretta's next for my collection, but Glock's next to my hip.

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
Go to and check out the armorer's notes. You will learn that Beretta is one of the few manufacturers in the world that uses no stamped or cast parts-------all components are machined from a block of steel. Beretta is a very dynamic company. This is to say that they act quickly when a problem surfaces. They now offer the Beretta with a thickened slide and modified chamber for the .40 S&W called the Beretta 96 Border Marshal----I believe. It is carried by the Border patrol and 16,500 of them are in use. With Beretta you get a produuct built one hundred percent by Beretta. With Sigarms in Exeter New Hampshire, you get a blackened SS slide produced by a division of Ruger and a plastic frame from Switzerland. Five years ago, I would not have even thought of owning a Beretta handgun. A German-made and assembled Sig would have been the only choice. Now, the opposite is true. Beretta, through their experiences with the U.S. Military contract has produced the finest handguns they have ever turned out in the last twelve to eighteen months. I can't say the same for Sig since they went to this global sourcing thing based out of Exeter, NH. The Border Marshal will cost you more than the 2340. It is slightly smaller than the standard 96FS and has incorporated everything the Border Patrol wanted in a duty pistol. The Beretta frame and slide are coated with a teflon-based coating are will stand up to rust. The barrel and grip screws are blued and must be oiled especially after shooting or exposure to moisture. This is not a problem for me since cleaning guns falls second only to shooting them. I hear everyone lamenting the size isssue of the Beretta 92 Series. I personally prefer a full-sized weapon and believe the barrel can always be hidden. Being of stocky build, I have found that a 92 series rides quite well behind the hip in an open top pancake design. The Border Marshal will do even better since it is smaller. Please heed this guidance. Pay the extra now and get want you want or you'll end up trading later to get what you want and spending more money in the long run. I know James Montes will come out blasting when he reads this so I better stop now. No offense James!

P.S. There is merit to the chrome-lined barrel Beretta supplies. They last longer, will tolerate dirty ammo if taken care of and they clean up much easier than conventional bores

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."

I rented a SIG 2340 at a local range and it was sweet. I expected more recoil from it than my 220 but such was not the case. A bit snappy but that was it. Very accurate, very nice trigger. Only thing I could say against it would be the bardot sights. Of course a good set of Trijicons would fix that. But, that said, pick the one that feels and points the best in your hand. Another factor is to get a gun you have confidence in. I sleep better at night knowing my 220 (which has yet to fail in over 800 rounds) is within easy reach. Good luck. Good shootin.

Well, let me start off by saying I've carried both a Berretta M-9 and a Sig P-220 for quite some time. Of the two pistol designs, I personally would choose the Sig. The M-9 was too bulky in the grip area for my hand, and during quals, we did have quite a few failure to fires. It must be said that these weapons had been fired ALOT, but they still failed to fire. I've had just over 7000 rounds through my P-220, and it has NEVER failed me. It was my constant companion in some pretty rough areas for the 4 years I was a Security Specialist. I would trust my life to that weapon any day of the week. I also have a P-228, which is a fine weapon as well. Even though Berretta probably makes a good, reliable weapon on the civilian market, I just cant shake my experiences with it while active duty. Just my experiences talkin here, guys.

"To die as a warrior means to have crossed swords and either won or lost without any consideration for winning or loosing. There is just not enough time and generally not enough strength in the resolve of any man to do otherwise"-Miyamoto Musashi

Both are fine choices. Can't say that you'd go wrong w/either one. I would go with the SIG if I wanted the best quality. Especially if your talking about internal production details. I'm only familiar with older production Berrettas, but externally they looked great. Internally, they were rougher than their lower priced Taurus counterparts. Both are great pistols, but SIGS are top of the line in my book. Please consider the Alluminum alloy models over the plastic though. IF you haven't already, you might want to consider the other SIG models before buying. For ergonomics, you can't beat the P225. If you can't live w/9mm, there's 40S&W as you know, .357 Sig, .45 ACP, .380 to choose from. Best wishes Jerky. Let me know what you settle on, friend.

Feel free to email me.

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited November 01, 1999).]
Sig or Beretta... hmmmmmmm

Glock... 357 Sig... :)

10-27 I'm getting some Brand New G22 .40 / G31 .357 Glock Mags (FML) in about 2 weeks. $75 each and free shipping. Email me if interested!
I've heard of some probs w Beretta reliability in the std model 96, but the heavier slide Brigadier models seems to work fine; Border Patrol/INS contracted for 16,000, and renewed a few yrs later for 16,000 more; must work OK.

The SP2340 was given the OK by DEA after testing, but I have seen more than a few that were not reliable long after any reasonable break-in period; lots of used ones on the shelves around town already.

You pays your money and takes your chances. Try em both if possible and get the one you like best.


I spent 20 yrs as a USAF Security Specialist. Carried the M15 (S&W 38), M1911A1, M9, M11 (SIG P228). The Berreta M9 was by far the most reliable, the M11 a very close second.


[This message has been edited by BrokenArrow (edited November 02, 1999).]
I've used the 2340 for a few months now.
It has caused very few problems and the
accuracy is good. I find the fit ( grip ) to be one of the best out there for a semi-auto.
Never look at price when you are buying safety equipment. Bite the bullet and buy the gun you like best, even if you have to eat a few peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for a while.

That said, both the Beretta and Sig make very good guns. Forget about price. Which one will work better for you?

Lastly, you have not mentioned a BUNCH of good 40 S&W guns. Have you tried the H&K, Glock, Kahr, S&W, Walther, etc. guns yet? All make very good guns that deserve consideration. The only reason I ask is that you don't sound like you are really thrilled with either of those guns. There are a lot of good carry guns out there...

H&K= small,pricey,and no stainless finish. great guns. but dont appeal to me.

Glock= ugly, not stainless,plus everyone has one. kinda like a ford escort. not saying glock is inferior. they are awesome. just not my bag.

Kahr= i love it ! but too small for my huge hands.

S&W= i like the 4006. but it costs as much as the sig,or hk or beretta and not quite the quality in my eyes.

Walther= never gave it much thought.

Looks like sig or beretta it is. now...If i could only find a centurion or cougar in stainless. Or a sig in nickel for under $800

TIM : )
If you definitely want a .40 I would get a SIG P226 or P229. I have a Beretta 92FS, as well as a .40 SIG P226. Both are fine guns, but I prefer the frame mounted decocker of the SIG. Plus, IMO, SIG makes the best .40S&W gun. I am a Glock lover at heart, and have owned a Glock 23 before (.40), but the .40 caliber Glocks are my least favorite. Just didn't feel right to me.
SIG's are great, but I think you should look at the classic aluminum frame SIGs instead of the SIG Pro. May cost a little more, but you get what you pay for.
Get an H&K USP Compact 40 S&W...

Fully supported chamber, utterly reliable... VERY accurate. SEAL's love em', find them almost impossible to break. SEAL's use the SIG.. don't much like the M9.

I would take the SIG... Berettas have always left me cold. The Sigs have a Bobbit Lever on the frame... I HATE slide mounted levers.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
I have both SIG P229 and H&K USP Compact in .40S&W.

They are fairly similar in size (12 rds. LEO/10rds. civilian) and operation. However, there are some small, but important differences.

The SIG has a smoother trigger, particularly in the DA mode. It also has a more conventional (in my small hands more accessible) magazine drop button. It appears to be a bit more accurate than the H&K as well.

The H&K has a more versatile trigger/safety configuration (DA/SA or SA) and a smaller, thinner frame/grip, which fits my small hands much better. Also, it features a polymer frame, which is reportedly much tougher and more durable than the alloy frame on the SIG.

They are priced about the same. However, H&K mags are more difficult and more expensive to find than SIG counterparts ($37 vs. $24).

If I had bigger hands and liked DA/SA, I'd go with the SIG. Since I have small hands and like the versatility of the H&K decocker/safety configuration as well as the durability of the polymer frame, I like the H&K better. So, I am selling the SIG.


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
You can get the HKs w stainless slides.

The SIG barrels are NOT stainless BTW.

The Walther P99 has a Tenifer slide/barrel, the S&W SW99 a stainless slide and barrel.

I purchased a SIG 2340 in .40S&W a few weeks ago. I've put about 300 rounds through it, and have really enjoyed it so far. I put some Speer Gold Dots through it last night to make sure they would feed (I'm using them as my defense loads), and WOW! No problems, pinpoint accuracy. Great feel to this gun too. It's nice that SIG includes two grips for different sized hands.

Beretta's a fine choice. However, the last Beretta .40S&W I fired left me less than impressed... Just my $.02.
The Sig Pro 2340 (as well as the other Sig Pro model) comes with two interchangeble backstraps to fit your hand. It's one of those extra added features. I've handled one and it felt pretty "ergonomic" to my small hand.
Check it out at and read up on it there.
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