Beretta model 87..know anything about it?

RH Factor

New member
I see it on their web sight, but don't seem to find it anywhere else. I was interested in the non-target model. 22lr. I was wondering if anyone had one and what they thought if it. Thanks
Excellent .22

The Beretta 87 is an excellent .22 plinker. Its essentially a Model 84 frame in .22 caliber. I don't own one, but have shot one and it was super. Great little gun that's different than most other .22's as its based on a carry weapon not a target or plinker platform. They are expensive however and therefore you don't see them too much in gun stores.
I've got one and I love it. I bought it to bring down the cost of practicing with a double action gun before I started reloading.

If you shoot a regular double action auto, you'll find it to be very helpful, but be advised there is no de-cocker. the safety makes it cocked and locked.

Mine improved my shooting 100% during my second year of shooting. THOUSANDS of rounds through that little guy and ZERO malfunctions with high velocity ammo except for dud .22s.

You'll need to use high velocity ammo, but that makes for more realistic practice anyway. Feel free to contact me off list if you like, I've also got two 87 target models that are very cool...
The Beretta Mo.87 comes in 2 versions .Short barrel and Long.
They are Single Action guns, both
of them .
Up till a few yrs ago they were
Double Action/ Single action and they said Train with a da/sa gun
and then your da/sa gun will feel
the same .
I have the long barrel version, 87bb targe (not the current 87 target). It is single action and carries 8 rounds. I really like it. Now, for you guys with beretta 87's, does anyone make a speed loader for this model? HKS does not make one, and there is a type which is like a ring with a nub to push down on the rounds which is too big for my thumb. Any suggestions?