Beretta Jetfire Question

Doug S

New member
After going to the range I disassembled my Jetfire in order to give it a good cleaning. I noticed that there is a small but distinct groove forming on the frame. The groove is on the left side of the frame (slide removed) just in front and slightly above the safety lever. There is a pin going through the frame at this location and the groove is going right across the pin. There is also a black piece of metal coming up from under the plastic grip at this point and it seems to be what is causing the groove to form (This is probably much easier to see on my stainless model). I really don't know much about the mechanics of these things. I assume this is probably normal, but was wondering if other Jetfire owners are noticing the same? Thanks for any info.
I just took mine apart to see what you were talking about. I see a little scratch on a tiny little circular piece just forward of that piece protruding from the grip. The scratch goes in a 45 degree angle across that little circle... but lit looks like it's from the recoil spring when it's back during firing. That's the only wear I'm seeing and it's way too minmal for me to worry about.

It's tough describing this stuff isn't it? lol
Hi Ben,

Thanks for the response. You sound like you've found the right spot. The mark I described on my gun is also going over the tiny pin. I would describe the mark on my gun as more of a gouge. It is more vertical with a slight curve toward the front of the gun (on my pistol). I doubt if this is a problem, but I wonder if this could eventually weaken the pin. Hopefully it won't get any worse. As of now it looks like a pretty superficial mark. Nevertheless I thought I'd post to see if other Jetfire owners are noticing this.
