Beretta Cx4 barrel shroud screws


New member
I recently purchased a used Cx4 with barrel shroud. I was told the shroud is held in place by friction. When I fired it the shroud keeps slipping off. I found that it's supposed to have 6 nylon tipped screws to hold it in place. Beretta was called and they seem to know nothing about the screws and have been unable to help me. They say they can't find where screws come with the shroud, therefore don't have any. The shroud has threaded holes where these screws go! Beretta suggested I look elsewhere. I have been unable to find these screws. I do know the shroud and screws are made in the U.S. Anyone know where I can possibly find these? I don't want to just use any screws and mess up the barrel. Thanks!
Can’t provide any info on the OE shroud that Beretta sells however some aftermarket shroud manufacturers use brass set screws, which are softer than steel and don’t mar the barrel as badly. You might try the local Ace hardware, Home Depot or Lowes. While shooting, vibration can cause the setscrews to eventually loosen. Some owners use Blue Loctite or two shorter setscrews (one on top of the other) to lessen that possibility.

With Morse Lekker Barrel Shroud (has one setscrew).

Kudos to Beretta! The customer service rep located and got me the screws. Now I can fire with confidence and not worry about the shroud slipping off while firing. Restored confidence!!!