Beretta Cougar vs Baby Eagle


Hello all, This is my first post on this board, but I've been following the board for a while. I need help deciding on a new gun. I have been looking at Beretta Cougars and Baby Eagles in 9mm and .40 S&W. This will be an all around gun, because I can only afford one. I live in Florida, so I plan on getting a CC permit also. Please give me your input on which, or any other, to choose. I prefer an ext. safety, and the best quotes I've received are $475 for the Beretta and $450 for the Eagle. Thanks in advance, Shaft
I break with tradition

Hi Shaft, welcome to the board...

First I have to say I'm a collector of Beretta hardware. I absolutely love Beretta, the 92 series, that is. But in the situation you describe, I'd get the Baby Eagle...

I was smitten with the BE back when it was called the IMI Jericho. I got to fire one extensively and was impressed with the low recoil and the way it fit in my hand. Didn't hurt that the Jericho was a rather nice looking piece, either. Slender gun with good balance.

I still don't have a Baby Eagle but keep wanting. The range I shoot at has several in stock and I heavily fondled the Eagle 9mm last Sunday. It's hard to justify another 9mm but that BE is a pretty little gun. The Cougar on the other hand, has always felt blocky and 'chubby'... never felt quite right to me. I've handled them quite a bit trying to convince myself I like them because they say Beretta but they simply don't feel proper in my hand, so no 8000 series for me... your opinion may be different...

I think you'll be very happy with either weapon. Both are nicely built and should last for years. I just think the Baby Eagle will last out those years with a bit more style.

(disclaimer ;) ) YMMV...

Which one

Hello Shaft and welcome to TFL. I own both the guns you mention. The Cougar I own in .40 and .45 and the Baby Eagle in 9mm. I like the Cougar .40 for CC I believe it is a lighter handgun then the Baby Eagle. But only you can tell by what works best for you. How do they fit in your hand? How does the weight of each feel to you? Have you ever had the chance to shoot any of them?
One thing I will say is that I can shoot my BE 9mm better then my BC .40 But then .40's are fussy eaters with what you feed them. Also IMHO if your going to carry a BE you better get some suspenders cause that thing will drop your pants for sure :D
baby eagle

I have experience with the compact (smallest of line) polymer Baby Eagle in 9mm. It is a very nice shooting pistol with a smooth trigger. Very accurate as well. The polymer frame could help solve the weight problem...but another feature I like is it still has a metal trigger. I hate the plastic triggers of the tupperware guns out there today. I recently sold mine to a friend because I have too many toys, but would not hesitate to purchase another.
Welcome to TFL


I have a Beretta Cougar in .45 Auto and I like it a lot. It's a good size for a .45 and carries well. Not so sure if I would buy a 9mm or .40 version though. The Cougar is a bit large for those calibers.

For a good compact 9mm I would suggest you look at a CZ-75 Compact or PCR. The safety on the Compact operates in the proper fashion and the PCR has a decocker (if you prefer those). The PCR has an alloy frame so it would be a bit lighter than a standard Compact.

If I had to choose just one between the Cougar and the CZ I'd take the CZ-75 Compact. It feels better to me, shoots every bit as good and is a lot cheaper so that leaves more money for ammo.:)

Good luck.

My most carried CCW lately has been my Cougar 8040. Sometimes I forget I am wearinmg it. I do not own a Baby Eagle, nor have I tried to carry one concealed. I have played with one at the local gun shop and they felt nice, and looked mean, but they seem like they would be a little akward for concealed carry. Also, if you haven't purchased either yet, consider price and availability of mags. Now, as I said, I do not own a Baby Eagle, so I may not have seen mags because I have not been looking for them, but I have still yet to see anyone stock them.
Welcome to TFL,

I can't give an in-depth opinion on the Beretta, but I do own the Baby Eagle in .45. I think it's a great pistol. I picked mine up for $400 NIB about two weeks ago.


My $.02:

The Baby Eagle (apparently because of its strictly cosmetic slide contouring which could cause Ray Charles to mistake it for a Desert Ego as long as he didn't get within 50 yards... ;) ) seems to me to be, like the Swiss Sphinxes, priced a little steeply for just another CZ-75 clone. The EAA Witness line and the actual, original, real-deal CZ-75 are both every bit as good or better and are actually cheaper. The Cougar intrigues me, and I'd probably snag it just for its looks and design.

With neither the CZ nor the Cougar will you go far wrong. My only CCW experience with either of these two was with a full-size steel TZ-75, and it was a boat anchor...

[Edited by Tamara on 12-03-2000 at 11:51 AM]
Thanks for replies.

You all have given me some things to think about, but let me give you some more info. I have not shot either but have handled both. They both feel good in my hand. Also, I was looking at the compact poly Baby Eagle. It is lighter than the Cougar. Is $450 a good price? The CZ PCR sounds nice, I did not see it on there website. I had already looked at the Witness, but it did not have a decocker. I have fired a Glock 23 and a Ruger KP95 if that helps.

I have seen ads in SGN and GL for Jericos, which I believe are the exact samething as the baby eagle but made by the previous owner. They were in the 300-400 range and had4 models advertised including 9,40, 45, steel, polymer and compacts. I want to get a CZ next but the BE/Jerico line does look pretty slick, and should were just as well. Good luck
I have no experience with the Cougar, but while still an owner of a Beretta 92 I received a gift of a Baby Eagle from my son.

In side by side firing there was no comparison. The baby Eagle felt better, and was more accurate , and both were reliable. The only advantage to the Beretta was that the Baby Eagle was more ammo sensitive as relates to accuracy.

The Beretta went elsewhere. I still have the Baby Eagle.
Shaft - While you're looking you might consider the Mini Cougar line. I have a Mini Cougar 8040F that I carry daily. This line is basically the same as the Cougar but is a full inch shorter in the grip and 5oz lighter. Those two do help when concealing. Another aspect to consider is holster availability. I have had no trouble locating quality leather for the Cougar (the same holster works for both the Mini and full size). I don't know the availability for the BE.

Cheers - Chuck
The prices you are looking at are a little steep. At the gunshows here in Texas, Baby Eagles can be had for mid 300 dollar range. Saw one recently for $329 nib. Berettas are a bit more. I would think the cougar might be a bit easier to conceal and more comfortable to carry, but I have got to tell you the BE is one of the sweetest shooting pistols going in any caliber. My biggest complaint is the lack of slide to grasp when racking the slide. Using the rear sight seems easier to find and use for this purpose! For the price, they are hard to beat. I am checking out the CZ75 now, but do not like DA/SA and all the compacts come with a decocker that I can find.