Beretta Cougar in .40 - Did Anyone Ever Actually Buy It ?

Mike H

New member

That says it all really. I have fired .40 cal Cougars on 2 occasions now and just can't make up my mind if I love them or hate them. Here's how it stacked up for me :


Good feel in the hand
Accurate (but see also AGAINST)
Incredibly low recoil with any .40 round
Can take full size mags (when the Crime Bill gets thrown
Suitable for CCW and home defence.


Occasional really bad flyer
Barrel too short - low velocity especially heavier loads
Poor trigger in SA (fired only when at the rearmost point
of travel on both guns I tried)

So did anyone actually buy a Cougar in .40, I know the gun has a following in .45 (but not 9mm), and I believe that several PD's are now buying Cougars in .357 Sig (North Carolina Troopers for one), but I never seem to speak to anyone who has the .40.

Mike H