Beretta A303 not firing....aaargh


New member
My A303 has suddenly stopped firing about 1 shell from each box. No change in shell brand. Federal. Cleaned gun...same thing. Finally changed main (hammer) spring. Fired a box with no problem...BUT....
A real mystery. Everything was going fine and one shell would go "clink" and not fire. Take it out and itty bitty dent in primer. Use it again and just fine.
No dirt or gunk in firing pin or trigger assymbly.
I'm ignorant about Berettas, but I'd first check and see if the bbl was on tight. A loose bbl can give the symptom you mention on other shotguns.
Let me guess: Federal Multi-Purpose loads.

I have had a handfull of these with the exact same performance that you describe. It appears to be a quality control problem in the shells where the primer is seated a bit too deep.
