Beretta 950b casing in chamber..


New member
I have a nice old 950b .25. It is no good condition and fires pretty good..but, occasionally it stovepipes. I looked at a few videos of this gun being used and see where the round (or an empty casing) flys out of the battery when you flip it open. Mine does not. After/if you load it with a round, the round will not come back out on it's own..takes a little down the barrel pressure to remove it…any ideas..?
Clean the chamber,,,

Get a bore brush for that caliber and scrub the chamber,,,
It's probably just a matter of it being dirty.

Happens to my flip-barrel pistol every now and then.


Also, the chamber should only be LIGHTLY oiled. Dry patch several times or thoroughly scrub with Q-tips after oiling. (I've actually gotten into the habit of cleaning the bore of my 950BS with a .22-caliber BoreSnake and Q-tips, rather than with a cleaning rod and patches.)
The 950 doesn't have an extractor. There''s nothing to pull a loaded round out of the chamber. If you decide not to fire it, tip up the barrel and use a small dowel (pencil?) to knock the round out. Don't oil the chamber.
More on the .25

Ok thanks…I already scrubbed to battery with a bore brush extensively… & very lightly, lightly oiled..I guess I thought a round should fly out when you release the barrel and allow it to flip upward…that's what I understood from a couple of youtube videos..But, I have to use a dowel to get them out..I know it stovepiped about 4 out of 50 rounds last time we used it and thought the rounds/expended round casings might have been sticking a little. More thoughts..? I thought about using a little fine emery cloth on a dowel to clean/enlarge the battery ever so slightly...
I second the polishing...
Dremel has various sized felt tips, trim one to fit if needed... coat it in medium or course polishing compound and run it in and out a few seconds at a time.
Check it with a new round between passes.

If you dont have a Dremel a drill will work too... just takes longer.

I've done this to just about every gun I've owned with good results... quick buffing passes for those that are already loose enough, longer for overly tight or chambers with machine marks.
Unless the chamber has visible imperfections, leave it alone.
Try different ammunition. It should drop in/out of the chamber.
The bullet is not ejected when you open the chamber (tilting the barrel) in the 950. As long as it is ejecting when fired, you're fine.

I agree with Bill that the stovepiping could possibly be an ammo issue. My 950 doesn't like Blazer aluminum cartridge cases, for example. Have you tried a different ammo manufacturer?
Will try another brand of ammo..

After brass brushing the heck out of the breach…the shells slide out a tad better…and I will try another brand of ammo..thanks