Beretta 92FS problems - stovepipes, FTF

Jeff Thomas

New member
A friend asked me to help him look over a pistol he wanted. The seller claimed he had taken it to the range about 1.5 years ago, and it performed fine. Otherwise, the seller is not a shooter, and has used it very little. He acquired it used from someone else, so he really doesn't know the amount of wear in the gun.

When we tried it out, the magazine loaded very easily, and I've heard Beretta mag's are pretty tough - this is a 15 round, full capacity mag, and appears to be factory (but not marked 'Beretta'). We were shooting Speer Lawman 124 gr. TMJ rounds (BTW - what the heck is 'TMJ'? And, is it the same as FMJ and ball ammunition? Do all three mean the same thing?)

We got through about six rounds, and had a stovepipe. Then a couple more rounds and a failure to feed. And so on. Couldn't get more than three or four rounds when we'd get one malfunction or the other.

I made sure my grip was solid. I tried the ammo in a Kahr K9, with no problem.

Any ideas on what things might be wrong with this pistol? The seller wants $400, but I've told my buddy he should do some research before he makes the deal.

Thanks for your ideas. Regards from AZ
When I was in the FMF most of the stove pipes I saw in the M9 were caused by old worn out, and heavily abused mags. I never thought the mags were that tough. In my BN more didn't work than did and all were factory military issue.
Jeff, I think STLRN is ontarget. The mag seems bad. The price is OK, (used ones here are $ 380 or so) but I would suspect that with a new mag and possibly new springs for the gun itself, it should be fine.

BTW, TMJ is "totally metal jacketed" - there is no exposed lead at the base as with a "Full Metal Jacket".


"I don't make enough money to buy cheap stuff" - Mark Manning
Jeff, the mag is probably the cause of the feeding problems but not ejection problems. Since the ammo was good and you're sure you had a firm grip the only other two causes are the loads being too light for the recoil spring used or the extractor needs attention/replacement. George
If the gun actually worked OK before with the same magazine and same parts, I would suspect the ammo. Try another brand or two before spending time and money on the pistol or magazines.

If all else fails, I suggest shipping the pistol to Beretta's service department, together with an explanation of the problem. Recently I sent Beretta a 92 for repair and they did an excellent job. Turnaround was a little over three weeks.
Gentlemen, thanks for all of your help. I'll pass the comments on to my friend, and now I'm a bit wiser as well ... seems to happen a lot when I drop by TFL. ;)
If anything, the 92FS has been lauded by even those who don't like it as a reliable weapon capable of firing anything. Factoring in that this particular pistol has had two previous owners and based upon its recent range performance, I would avoid it like the plague.

New 92FS's are going for $459.95 at any high volume gun store.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."