Beretta 92fs failure to feed properly


New member
I have a new 92fs. put about 600 rounds through it in the last 2 weeks since I bought it. Good shooting gun but I have one concern. I have had at least 3-4 instances where the first round of the clip does not feed properly and hangs so the chamber is still open. if I tap and rack the slide again it feeds ok. first time this happened I had the slide closed and manually racked the first shell and it hung. thought maybe new gun was just tight and I hadn't racked it properly or hard enough. the next 2 or 3 times it happened I had slide locked open... inserted magazine and released the slide catch to feed first round and it hung again. I have not had any failures to eject or any other type of problem. I am using Winchester 115 gr. 9mm Luger ammo from Wal-mart. Cheap stuff but good for practice and have used in my Glock for a long time with no problems. one thing I have noticed is that the new magazines are very tight and difficult to load. this problem always seems to be on the first round of the magazine. is it possible that I am scratching or damaging the case when loading the mag? I really like this pistol but this is beginning to bother me. Would appreciate any input you guys might have regarding this problem. Thanks.
Are you using the slide stop to drop the slide or are you pulling the slide back to release it? The latter procedure provides more force to close the slide on a full mag. Are you using 10 round mags that are new and very hard to load? A combination of the two may explain your problem.
I've been shooting a 92fs for a while now, and I also use Winchester ammo for practice, but have never had that issue. This last weekend, while I was taking my CHL exam, I had several instances where the slide failed to lock open when I fired my last round, but have never had a failure to feed.
when did the malfunctions occur? early in your 600 round session or later? New, out of the box 92's can sometimes be very tight and it takes a few hundred rounds for them to break in. I know my 92 took a good 5 hundred rounds before the slide began to feel smooth, but I never had any problems. If it keeps occuring, you may want to try a heavier recoil spring from I'd try some other ammo first, though, too.

Have you cleaned your mags recently? Perhaps you need some new mag springs?
