Beretta 92FS 3-round, full auto conversion?

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I hear that there is such a thing as a 3-round burst, or full auto conversion, stories vary on which one it is. May be even both... Anyway, is this true? If so, how can a conversion like this be obtained? I know they aren't "legal".

Other question is, probably more oriented to the smithy section but, can something be machined to convert my 92fs into a 3-round burt/automatic, and who would do this? (site, name, e-mail??)

Oh...I'm sure I'm going to get the question "why?" Just because, guns intrigue me. If I can make something more of what I have? Eh, why not. The mechanics and precision workings of a handgun, are just beautiful. If it can be done, I want to try it.

Thanks for any help.
If so, how can a conversion like this be obtained? I know they aren't "legal".

Other question is, probably more oriented to the smithy section but, can something be machined to convert my 92fs into a 3-round burt/automatic, and who would do this? (site, name, e-mail??)

So you're basically asking someone here to tell you how to commit a felony, or to find you someone who would commit a felony along with you?

OK, I'll tell you how to do it yourself...

Get a dremmel and with a cut-off wheel, cutoff the safety on the side of the slide. Now turn the slide over and use either a cutting wheel or a grinding wheel to grind the bottom half off the face of the slide - justbelow the firing pin hole. Now cutoff the extractor (you won't need this in full auto - it slows things down too much). Now cut the recoil spring in half and you're all ready to go!

This is silly.

The others have said it already. We do not give each other advice on how to break the law on TFL.


diguy1, you have e-mail.

Johnny Guest
TFL Staff
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