Beretta 92 vs Walther P99


New member
I want to buy a quality 9mm hand gun and am considering the Beretta 92FS or Walther P99. Which is better in terms of reliabilty,durabilty, ease of cleaning, accuracy, and anything else?
From a Beretta Loyalist...

From my personal experiences, I recommend the Beretta. I have an extensive Beretta collection that dates back to 2 92SB models. My most numerous handguns are the 92 series. In the many thousands of rounds and years I've had all my Beretta's I've not had one failure. Some would disagree with me, but I feel the Beretta is the most durable weapon you can buy, with the Glock second in durability. Just opinion. My 92G Elite has over 15k rounds and shows no wear or any indication of anything wearing... ever. I've handled some very high mileage 92's, 50-60k rounds showing extremely limited wear and still as tight as round 1.

The Beretta has one of the simplest take-down procedures ever. Turn down the latch and remove the slide from the frame. The 92 is simple to clean, with most major components in your hand. Spray out the firing pin and extractor areas and you're done. Most 92's I've fired have exhibited great accuracy, shooting surprisingly tight groups in the right hands.

My personal opinion is the Beretta is an extremely well made firearm that has had all the details attended to. No burrs or rough edges here. The firearm is well balanced and fits the hand very well, although some find the butt to be a bit too large. The design has been extensively tested and proven by the military and standard capacity magazines are still available at decent prices.

my only 9mm handgun at this time is a Walther P99-9mm, and i have fond that for me it has accuracy, reliebilty, and durabilty, that are out of this world.
but don't only look at the Walther and the Beretta, i look at the Sig-P226 and the H&K USP-9mm and then in the end i fond that at the time the Walther P99 was what i like and so thats what i got, so go out and look at them all and then see what you like:)
Joe; I can only comment on the Beretta. I've owned several. Of all the thousands of rounds sent down range (and other places) I can't recall one malfunction. I'm a big fan of 9mm Beretta's. Reliability? Some say the Beretta mod 92 design is the most reliable pistol ever made. Durability? It has the long-time Brunition finish which is all you need with light to moderate use. Cleaning? Breaks down easy enough and cleans easy enough for me. Accuracy? It can hold it's own with anything in the industry (combat accuracy of course). Good Luck, J. Parker
another beretta vote...

I have to place another vote for beretta. I bought my first 9mm a few months ago and I considered all of the well known brands prior to my purchase. I shot a beretta, sig 226, S&W, Browning, Glock 17, and a few others on the way to making a decision and for the money you can't beat a beretta! I could not be happier with my selection. The 92FS has been a joy to own! Shoot 'em before you buy 'em though! Good luck!
Your question isn't easy to answer. You happen to have chosen 2 of the finiest 9mm's made. I am fortunate enough to own both (a stainless Italian full sized 9mm Beretta, and a standard finish 9mm Walther).

If you plan to carry, go with the Walther. Quite simply, it's smaller, lighter, and easier to carry. Beretta has a safety, Walther doesn't. The mag releases are different. Takedown and cleaning is easy on both.

Where the Beretta shines is in reliability (it'll eat anything!). I got a bad batch of Sellier and Bellot ammo, and while it jammed my P99 and my buddy's Glock 17, it fed fine in the Beretta. Also, its been around for a while so finding holsters is easier than for the Walther.

The biggest difference is hi-caps (if that's an issue). P99 hi-caps are now going for around 90-100 bucks apiece, while slightly used Beretta hi-caps can be found for 30-40 dollars.

I used to have a Beretta model 92, and also a model 96. I haven't owned a Walther, but I did own a SW99.

All of the above are excellent guns. However, I would have to give the nod for the items you mention (reliabilty, durabilty, ease of cleaning, accuracy) to the Beretta, with the possible exception of accuracy. The SW99 I owned was just about as accurate as the Beretta, and of course neither gun is a bullseye pistol. But that's not what they are supposed to be, either.

If you're going to carry this gun, the Walther may very well be the better choice, as the 92 is not a small gun.


I have no experience with the Walther. But I have carried my Beretta concealed comfortably for several years now. It is heavy but i have a good holster and belt for it. There is something comforting about carrying a fullsize Beretta concealed! Cleaning is a cinch with the Beretta. Hope this helps,

Another Ford vs Chevy debate.

I have examples of both firearms, and they are both high-quality hanguns built and backed by companies with reputations of turning out world-class products.

If accessories are what you are after, get the Beretta. There's tons of mil-surp stuff available.

Otherwise, get the one that fits your hand the best.

This reminds me of the old joke: "If you put a Ford engine in a Chevy, and a Chevy engine in a Ford, they both go faster."

Ken Strayhorn
Hillsborough NC
I find the P99 to be too small to fit my hand well - my hands aren't too large, but they are thick. The Beretta fits my hand better as it is bigger. I agree with strayhorn. See if you can try both out and you'll prob like the fit of one better than the other.
Own a P99 & a Beretta 96G Elite. For CCW the 99. Other than that, which fits your hand better and which points better if you throw the gun up to a sight pic quick? Consider there are lots of 92 Hi-caps out there for 1/3 the $ of the P-99's.
Comments from a Walther Loyalist

The P99 is having a hard time shaking its conception problems. Early serial numbers stopped in slide lock. Mine did also, but breaking in and cleaning the mags stopped that and I have not had a lock since June (bought end of April). Last night, I took third in our little local first-of-the-month shooting contest.

"Look at you showing off with your fancy gun!" I won two of the three stages. I lost the first due to me not wanting to drop the mag on the concrete- I know, big wussie :o . This is my third time doing this, and I feel that I have progressed because of my love and confidense in this gun.

That brings us to the bad stuff. I did not drop the mag because the mags are $45 for 40 @10 rnds. Everything is more expensive, but if you can afford to buy the gun, just save a little more for those accesories you will want. Also, Earl's Repair Shop in Shrewsbury Ma is the only person I have heard capable of doing smithing tasks. His prices are reasonable, but you must ship it to him. Night Sights and trigger jobs are just two of the items I have priced.

In the end, there was a thread here a while ago asking the sex of one's guns. My Walther is definately a woman. When I first saw it, I heard Elvis singing, "It's now or never..." She is the woman I will call at 3:00 am when I get drunk and lonely. I will appreciate others, but I always will return to her. :) If this is your first gun, buy your first love, if it is not, buy something worth losing that special relationship over. (V-10 compact :cool: )
Of the two, I would get the Walther. I had one, and traded it for a Glock 19. I find now that the G19 spends a lot of time in the safe. More so than my P99 did. I wish that I had it back. But that is water under the bridge now. No use crying about it. The P99 has it all over the Beretta in every way. Sure, it will be a little more expensive, but it is worth it!!!:D

Beretta's may come, and Beretta's may go, but Walther is forever!!!!
When I lived in Kalif., I not only carried a Beretta 92FS, but also shot apporx. 23,000 rounds through it without a pistol malfunction. I did have a dud round or three, but that was the ammo. (All factory rounds, ball and hollow points. I never shot reloads in it.)

I no longer have the pistol, but have one just like it. I'd bet my life any day, on a Beretta 92FS... if I wanted to carry a 9mm. FWIW. J.B.