Beretta 92 dead trigger


New member
Occasionally at the range. Maybe once every 50 rounds my 92 trigger doesn’t do anything. Then I rack the slide and it works again. Anyone ever seen anything like that and how did you fix it?
So you pulled the trigger, and there was absolutely nothing? Not even a click? What was the hammer position when it happened?


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Johnksa has it. I took the grips off my M9 to clean it once and knocked the trigger bar spring out of position.I was a boot, pfc I believe, at the time and was petrified someone would find out. I finally figured it out.
Without the trigger bar spring, I'm afraid one won't be able to cock the hammer. It doesn't sounds quite like what the OP has.


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I agree that if the spring is missing completely that the trigger should be dead all the time. But if it's not quite positioned properly or is damaged, it could result in an intermittent failure.