Beretta 9000s avalible?

They may be scarce because Beretta (800-636-3420) issued a recall (I don't what it was for), though I have seen them at gun shows and in gun stores. The gun show price was about $460. If you find one, be sure to check the controls. Other than disengaging the safety, I found the controls difficult to operate because they were very stiff.
I have one. Bought it in central CT for $479. The recall has to do with the easy disengagement of the thumb safety that Cawdor mentioned. Since it's spring loaded toward the down position, a good whack on the bottom, or even a slight brush will disengage it. It's a moot point for me as I'll carry it safety off, double action. I may send it in eventually though, after the initial rush of recalled pistols is over, so it won't be gone for a long time. I do like this gun alot. I know some don't like it and see it as another Vector, but I have to give credit to Beretta for giving this design the nod. I like that they have put a little modern artistic touch into a usually austere product. I always liked the reversed slide rail setup, and this is my first. Only complaint so far is that that it doesn't give you alot of gripping surface to actuate the slide. It is a fat little gun, but I like stubby guns, and don't have a hard time concealing it. I have yet to fire it though, so all the info I have is visual and tactile. My opinion could easily change once I do, but I'll be sure to post that too.
pawcatch - I saw two 9000's at the Eastman Gun show in Norcross (NE Atlanta), 12/9. The Dealers did not know if they were part of the recall or not (or so they said). Looking just at the numbers the 9000 appeared bigger than the Mini Cougar. But, side by side it actually seemed smaller. Others have complained about a "chunky" feel - again to me it felt good and I don't think I would have a hard time concealing it. I currently carry, daily, a Mini Cougar, 8040F, with no problem.

BTW the recall has to do with the safety mechanism going off safe - and Beratta doesn't repair it they replace the gun.

-- Chuck
The gunshop that I frequent, Mandall Shooting Supplies in Scotsdale AZ, has had one in their case for some time now. It is in .40 Slick&Willy though. :rolleyes:
I thought it was a great looking gun in the ads and when I saw it in a shop also thought it was great looking.

Then I held it. Yuk. Felt thick and clumsy.

Might feel OK to someone else's hands though.

The recall was for "a limited number of the Type F pistols from the initial production lot." It stated, "The safety lever on these pistols can become disengaged without the knowledge or intent of the user." It further stated, "...the source of the problem as being caused by a casting error in an initial batch of safety levers." Beretta is replacing those pistols. Beretta customer service seemed attentive as far as responding to my questions, although they are so busy it's hard to get them on the phone. They do answer letters promptly.

I had one of the Type D (DAO) models of the 9000S. Mine was not affected by the recall (no safety on it). In my opinion, it was a high quality gun that would last for years. It was accurate, and did not malfunction at all, and is an absolute safe carry gun. I paid $429.00 for it new, so it was also quite a bargain for the price. When I bought this gun, I had some reservations about how it felt in my hand, but I thought it would grow on me. It didn't. I traded mine off because I could not get used to the ergonomics and was unable to shoot it as accurately as I would like due to the long hard trigger pull. Also, the distance from the web of my hand to the trigger was longer than I was used to. There is no place whatsoever for your little finger on the grip (which wouldn't be such a problem, but when combined with the other factors, becomes significant). The gun is also thick, making it more difficult to conceal. There appear to be few holsters that will fit it (as of yet). It also was somewhat of a fingerbuster as far as the takedown lever was concerned. Almost everything on the pistol took more muscle to operate than other pistols I've used. The lady who sold it to me could not pull the slide back because the surface area available to grab onto was small and the spring is strong. She is an experienced shooter.

I am not badmouthing the pistol. I kinda hated to get rid of it (and I took a real whipping on what I got for it - don't want to talk about it), because despite the things I didn't like about it, I think it is a high quality piece and would last a long time.

Before you buy this pistol, spend a little time with it in your hand, work all the controls. Ideally, it would be good if you could fire one before you buy. My impression is that it is not a gun for everyone, but if it fits you and you can shoot it accurately, it is a real good gun.

This is just my impression and opinion. Hope it gives food for thought.

Be safe - enjoy, and Happy Holidays.

pawcatch - yep! I was there Sunday afternoon till closing and two different dealers had them. One was sorta in the middle and the other was about one row away from the GA Arms tables. Sorry you missed them. After all the negatives I've been hearing about the size, it gave me a chance to see for myself - now I want to shoot one. Though I'd still like a Beretta in the 17 to 18oz. range :)

-- Chuck
I was going to post my experiences firing mine this past weekend, but David Arnold covers it pretty well in the review at the link provided above. I especially agree with his assessment of the safety/decocking lever...