Beretta 81 finally to the range...

And it's depressing just how:

1. Much my skills have deteriorated since I can't get shooting nearly as often and

2. How much my eyes have deteriorated.

I could barely see the front sight in the notch, and picking it out against the black background of the aiming square?

Oh well, I at least kept 100 rounds on the 8.5x11 paper, just not really where I wanted them to be nor grouped as I wanted them to be.

The 81, on the other hand, despite 1 time when the slide locked back on a partially full magazine, was an absolute hoot to shoot. A LOT more fun than my CZ 70, which has one of the hardest, roughest triggers I've ever encountered.

So glad that I bit the bullet, so to speak, and got one. Now only if Gov. Northam permits me to exercise my Constitutional rights and actually keep it.
I find my groups improve considerably when I use a blank 8½" x 11" paper and draw the circles once I get back home.

So over the weekend I pulled out the Highway Patrolman and finished off a box of ammo that still had the $3.99 price sticker on it. Today my elbow suggested that since that was the last of the 357 stash I should simply keep it that way.
I had the same impression with the Model 81 I just purchased.

I had some "Bright Sights" paint sitting on my shelf,,,
I cleaned the metal very well with alcohol,,,
Then painted the front & rear sights.

Well now,,,
"Painted" is not really the word,,,
I "daubed" the orange paint on the sights.

The job looks like it was done by a 5 year old,,,
But it surely helped me see the sights.


I love my little Cheetah .22. Sights could be improved, but it is a great little gun.
I actually found two new, in the package, Beretta mags for it on EBay for...........$9 each. Yup bought both.
At least you had a good day at the range. Glad your 81 shot well for ya even if you didn't lol. I've been there, I also use bright finger nail polish to highlight the sights on guns with the little sights, it seems to help a bit to stand out against a dark background.

I need to take my 81 out for a range day.
Beretta 81

The Browning BDA 380 acp (made by Beretta) has slightly smaller sights than the Beretta 84. Fluorescent orange nail polish is a great improvement in visibility...