Beretta 682 or Browning 425


New member
I'm interested in starting sporting clays and I can't decide which O/U to purchase. This is a pretty subjective thing I know... but which of the following should I get and why?

Right now I'm thinking either a Beretta 682 Gold Sporting 30inch(older model), or a Browning 425 Sporting, 30inch 12 gauge. I haven't had a chance to check either of these out as I can't find a local dealer that has them in stock. I did look at a Beretta 686 Onyx, 30inch and it fit me well (5-11, 165pds).

I'm new to shotguns and shotgunning in general. Might even go with a Beretta 391 Sporting as well.

Do you have a shotgun now? If so, shoot it for a year and get a better idea of what works for you. Then, you can make an informed choice based on real world data.

If not, I hear very little bad about the 390-391 series Berettas, and they're the most popular auto at the ranges I frequent.

Of course, if you're like me and just get the craves for a new toy, go ahead and buy whatever suits your fancy, just reconcile yourself to buying another shotgun in a year or so.
The good news is that in this range you can't really make a mistake and the choice comes down to personal preference. When faced with the same decision I opted for the Beretta 682 because it felt better to me. Other shooters swear by the Browning and at the Beretta. The Onyx is a pretty good gun too. It's built on the same frame as the 682 (in earlier years the 682 had a heavier frame).

The 391 is also a fine gun. I have a 390 that I quite like. If you don't plan to reload and don't need to recover your hulls there is a lot to recommend in a semi.

Like I said, the good news is that you can't really go wrong.
