Beretta 390 vs 391

Gary H

New member
I have been looking for some information on the differences between these two autoloaders. Anyone have a URL, or some info.
"The American Rifleman" did a review of the 390 in Feb. 97 and one on the 391 in May 00. Two changes I recall are the 391 doesn't have the humpback like the 390, and the 390 comes with I think 5 springs and the 391 has only one spring but will shoot a wide variety of loads with the one spring.
If you can't get your hands on the articles, I'll dig them out and give you any info. you need.
There has been a lot of talk in the SC forums on other sites. The main difference I have read about is the change in the reciever. The 391 is a little lighter too.

If you are looking at which one to buy, most people say if you can get a good deal on a 390 get it, otherwise go for the 391. If you factor in the fast that with the 391 you get a hard case and 5 chokes, not 3, then you have made up the difference in price.
The 391s I looked at a few weeks ago had receivers that were machined to accept scope rings (don't know if the rings are included or extra). A huge plus if you ever want to mount a scope or dot sight. Scoping a shotgun usually involves drilling & tapping the receiver, buying an extra barrel with a cantilever base, or some kind of wiggly saddle mount.... all these options are less than ideal. Keep in mind the 391 has an aluminum receiver so use caution when torquing down the rings.

Overall I was very impressed with the fit, finish, and feel of the 391. For upland hunting my personal preference is still the 20ga Benelli Montrefeltro (because it's lighter and has wood furniture), but if my wife every gets serious about chasing Ringnecks with me I'd be inclined to get her a 20ga 391. -- Kernel
Kernel, good choice. I have a 390 that I have been using for skeet and I plan on hunting with it some too (since it almost never misses).
I'm thinking about the 391 women/youth 20g for the wife. She's been shooting a browning micro-lightning but is sometimes handicapped with the 2.75" only- 20g when the roosters get wily. 3" capable plus the softer recoil should be perfect for her.