Benelli Shotguns

Hi Everyone,

If you could only keep two semiautomatic Benelli shotguns from the list included, which two models would you select?

M1 Super 90 by HK
M3 by HK

Please explain why.


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Two M2s.

The M1 is going to be harder to get parts for than an M2. Basically the same operating system, but the M2 is lighter and has the comfortech stock, which is a benefit for fitting.
The M3 and M4 are also harder to find parts for and there are not a lot of M3s out there. The M4 is a great (ARGO) system, but I prefer the more versatile M2. The way the M4 is set up, pretty much a heavy load only proposition. Could modify the gas ports, but then not as good as the M2 for the versatility.
If I had to choose two of them, I'd go with the M3 and M4

The M3 offers the versatility of both pump and semi auto which allows you to shoot everything from less lethal to heavy 3" slug loads. Unfortunately finding a M3 is easier said than done.

I currently own the M4 as its for the most part readily available on the market. I have shot a wide variety of field/birdshot loads to 3" magnum slugs without too much of an issue. The gas system is simple and easy to clean and is by far the softest shooting 12 gauge I've ever fired.
I have 2 of the M1's. Both bought used. The 1st one I bought is stamped Super 90 HK. It has a 24" barrel, is fitted with an extended mag tube and serves as a HD shotgun. That's a little more barrel than some want, but it is what I have, and it works.

The other M1 is not branded as HK. In fact, it was made the last year before the M2 came out. Some guy bought it to waterfowl hunt with. He used it one year before the M2 was introduced and traded it for a new M2.

If I were buying new today, I'd get the M2's. But I got both M1's at bargain prices and they work. Not enough advantage to the newer M2 for me to trade for a newer gun.

I've never had a single malfunction with either gun regardless of ammo used.
I used to own an M2 and just last year got an M1014. I'm not 100% sure the difference between the 1014 and the M4.

I sold the M2 because I found maintenance of the 1014 to be easier.

So to answer the OP's question I would keep an M2 and an M4...

I did find the M2 to be more reliable with low brass light birdshot. My 1014 want's nothing less than loads of 1 1/8 oz at 1250 fps to cycle properly.
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M2 because it's a decent Duck gun but because of the SBE3* scandal, I won't buy any Benelli.

(Super Black Eagles- many of them shoot over a foot high and 5" to the left at 25 yards and the company denies there is a problem and says its a feature. A feature only some of the guns have and others don't????)
Anyone agrees that HK stamped shotguns are better built? I compared a new production M3 with the HK M3 and noticed that the trigger guard on new production models is made of plastic, not aluminum alloy, as the HK version. I also noticed that the charging handle on the HK version is a curved handle that is easier to grab. The trigger was also better on the HK model. Your thoughts? I am still looking for more feedback from Benelli shotgun owners. Which two of these 4 shotguns would you keep?

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I have shot a wide variety of field/birdshot loads to 3" magnum slugs without too much of an issue.

spyderdude: You seem to imply that there were some issues, however small. Does your M4 handle light loads reliably? I've read that 1 1/8 ounce loads can be a problem with this gun. Thanks.
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I won't ever buy a Benelli unless it's used and I can see a test pattern. Here is why:

I'm offended by their response to the well documented design flaw of the Super Black Eagle.
In case you don't know, the way the barrel mounts MIGHT exert pressure on the barrel, bending it at the receiver. A very goodly number of them shoot about 20 inches high and 6 inches to the left at 40 yards. It's more than a 100/0 pattern.

Benelli's response to unsatisfied customers is "Oh! That's the European style! You need to learn to float your birds!" Which is BULLCRAP. Because.. MOST of the exact same gun DON'T shoot that way, they shoot a nice 60/40 centered pattern!"

It's a high-end semi-auto! Customers who are persistent and insist long enough send their gun in, and Benelli knows exactly how to fix it. But then they also put a really cheap , very tall, fiber optic front sight on the barrel. I would be furious! The proper fix involves the placement of the BARREL STOP RING.

Anyone who wishes to dispute that this is a problem, explain this one simple fact:
Some SBE's shoot very high, and OTHER SBE's shoot where aimed.

If they are SUPPOSED to shoot very high, why doesn't Benelli fix the ones that don't????

No, they charged over $2,000 for a very nice semi-auto and some fellows got lemons. If I spent that kind of money on a semi-auto, expecting the best... I can't imagine how disappointed I would be. Now, if the company says "Oh! Our fault! We are sending you a mailing label! Get that to us ASAP! We will fix it right and get it RIGHT BACK TO YOU! Before duck season has even started!" Well, I would be impressed. Saying "You don't know how to shoot, it's supposed to be like that" makes me want to spit!

Then putting a cheeseball front sight on a $2,000 gun? COME ON.

That marketing behavior has earned Benelli a boycott from me.

On top of it, it's only this year that Benelli has addressed the "Benelli Click", the well known problem of bumping the bolt lever and the gun going quietly out of battery, unseen. Then pulling the trigger... 'click!' As we say in Italian, "La Madonna! She no funcione!"

Retay, using the same rotary bolt design, modified the bolt so it is more immune to the Benelli Click, years ago. Now Benelli is finally on to the fix, too. So.. .a new Benelli is much less prone to that failure than an old one.

See the problem?

Yes, I really like the look of a Montefeldtro, but... the company has screwed over more than a few of my on-line friends. There are plenty of options at that price point. And I prefer soft shooting gas systems. If I hunted ducks and needed a gun for the mud and muck, there are plenty of good recoil operated semi-autos at less than half the price of a Benelli.

I'll support the companies that at least IGNORE their customers, rather than feed them a line of bullpucky.
I'm offended by their response to the well documented design flaw of the Super Black Eagle.

Hmm, everyone I know who has them loves them. Including the dozen at the guide service of a friend.